Everything new starts with a change

TSV is moving to medium.com

4 min readJan 26, 2017


Photo by Sebastian Fuchs

Hi there, I’m Rosa and I’m the founder and editor of THE SMART VIEW, an independent print publication for mobile photography and art. The magazine is running since 2015 and in September 2016 THE SMART VIEW is releasing its second print edition, featuring 15 international mobile photographers on 160 pages of wonderful paper. Yes on paper!

THE SMART VIEW 002 / Cover Feature: Iacopo Pasqui (IT)

Why print? I thought print is dead.

…because it makes something exist. Mobile photography is generally uploaded to the Internet, where we find 1.3 billion pictures uploaded each day. That’s a huge mass and like everyone of you already experienced due to this information overload our concentration in the Internet is decreased to seconds. We are distracted by a huge supply of information, jumping from post to post, from platform to platform. Can you remember all the things you looked up online the day after? Did you ever try to find a post you saw on Facebook, but you didn’t read immediately? If you didn’t save the link it’s going to end up in minute long scrolling which will definitly get on your nerves. What about photography? Did you ever had a second look on all the pictures you’ve liked on Instagram? I think that’s impossible. Bringing something that mostly exists online into something haptic and three-dimensional, gives us a chance to pause. It gives us time to have a closer look on photography and we can return to that pages whenever we want to. And the best is: Independently created magazines are just beautiful. The choice of content, the design and the high qualtity of printing. You can feel on every page of the magazine that somebody put a lot of effort and creativity in that. And I think that’s worth to exist.

There’s always a…BUT…it’s not only print what should exist.

Our main part of daily communication happens online. Having a print magazine without being ever-present online would decrease our audience to a minimum and would probably cause that we will be forgotten soon or even never discovered…by you! THE SMART VIEW aims to create online features to showcase the work of mobile talents and to set focus on emerging artists, which you would have probably never seen without having them featured on Instagram or on our web page.

Recently I was thinking a lot about how to proceed with publishing THE SMART VIEW’s online features. As a publishing project, which is running independently, I couldn’t afford a proper web designer yet, so I based the web site on a self-built Tumblr blog that unfortunately doesn’t support me writing my features as I would love to. My site needs a lot of coding to display the features in a proper way and that’s making it hard for me to proceed. Besides all the other work I’m doing there is mostly no time left to create a feature and I’m feeling really bad about loosing that track. That’s why I made the decision to move the artist features over to Medium, which I think is a wonderful platform to write, present and publish. I will link those features with THE SMART VIEW’s Tumblr blog and will still feature pictures on Instagram. The best is that with publishing on Medium, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I will address to five huge and dynamic communities and I hope that it will help me as a publisher but also my featured artists to draw more attention on the work we are doing. As I talked about that print publications are giving us time and a chance to focus, I think Medium has a lot with that in common. Our features will be concentrated on one channel and you will be able to read and to look at them whenever you want.

I can’t wait to create the first features. Stay attentive on what’s coming up soon and as long you’re waiting for me to write and create, have a look at our online shop. For those who didn’t get their hands on the print publications yet we prepared a smart pack which includes both print issues for a special discount rate. Shipping is free and there are only 50 of them! So hurry up as long as it’s hot!

Stay mobile!

