Identity, Representation and Self-Representation in the Mobile Era

Our Artist Selection from the PHmuseum Mobile Photography Prize 2021



© Forough Alaei // Women from the Isle

“Image-creation (along with distribution and its use in social media), does not only represent bodies, it also generates them.” ¹

Living through a global lockdown for more than a year now, many of us had nowhere else to go than to submerge themselves into the virtual world. Without real life human connection and interaction we had to rely on what was left over of a once very vivid world. The internet and its social media networks became the new playground of our society and the line between our real identities and our social media personalities even more blurred. Our social media self is long understood as a performative and mediatory practice and plays an important in a wider phenomenon shaping our modern society but our virtual selves gained more and more momentum during this pandemic.

We had the honor to select 10 artists from the longlist of this year’s Mobile Photography Prize by PHmuseum. The prize is running yearly since 2019 and every call is themed. Winners get a cash prize, exhibited at the PHmuseum Lab in Bologna as well as published in PHmuseum’s mobile photography book…

