Why You Should Vote for Joe Biden (A Transcript)

The transcript of my YouTube Video on my new channel “In a Nutshell”

Rose Harmon
The Smartie Newsletter
7 min readOct 26, 2020


Disclaimer: I work for neither the Biden or Trump Campaign.

My new YouTube video on why you should vote for Joe Biden.


Hi! Welcome to In a Nutshell, a channel dedicated to researching and providing answers to your current events questions. In this episode, I will be discussing the 2020 presidential election and why Joe Biden is the more favorable candidate in our upcoming election. Although Donald Trump is not necessarily a more powerful of two evils, I hope to inform you on what Joe Biden plans to do for you and show that he is not just a candidate, but an optimist and a patriot.

In case you are unfamiliar with America’s voting process or are logging onto this video to understand how to vote, don’t worry! I’ve provided a link in the description that will lead you to a collection that John and Hank Green have compiled that answers questions about voting and how to vote in every state as well as other resources to guide you.

Before we get started, I want to give an update on the current status for what the 2020 election looks like, that is, it is incredibly different from every other election held in the United States. In America, presidential elections are held every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. In the current year 2020, the polls will officially open on November third even though seventy-five percent of Americans have been given the option of receiving a mail in ballot this year due to Covid-19.

But in the midst of last minute campaigning, it is overwhelming to have to fact-check every article you read or every video you watch. Here, I intend to answer many questions on who Joe Biden is and why you should vote for him while recording my screen so that I fact check for you! I’m also providing many more articles to read in the description. Let’s get to it- the top three reasons to vote for Joe Biden!

One: The Economy (Business Insider, The Balance, and the Washington Post)

Even though it makes sense that there are a fair number of people who believe that rather than having a politician in office, we should have a businessman, referring to Donald Trump, many people overlook some of the more gritty details of his rise to fame in the business world. Trump, according to the Washington Post, has filed for bankruptcy six times even after receiving 431 million dollars over the past few decades from his father, Fred Trump, to help in his business adventures. The Washington Post writes “PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six,” after Trump announced that he has only filed for bankruptcy four times. “Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.” They reveal later Trump told “… the Washington Post reporters that he counted the first three bankruptcies as just one.” It should also be noted that the Washington Post is also a fairly conservative newspaper.

This differs from when the 2008 recession hit, and together Joe Biden and Barack Obama implemented an economic stimulus package that “cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects’’ according to The Balance. They also instated the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that pumped “$179 billion into the economy. That increased real GDP growth to a robust rate of 3.7%,” says The Balance.

But what are Joe Biden’s future plans to help the economy? In 2020, Biden’s proposal is short and simple as stated by Business Insider, “Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s economic agenda would lead to 7 million more jobs created compared to President Donald Trump’s, according to a new analysis from Moody’s Analytics, a research firm.” And “That’s 7 million more jobs compared to a scenario where Trump is reelected and Republicans hold onto the Senate.” His plan will also generate an extra 4,800 dollars for the average American household after taxes are paid.

Photo Credit: Priceline.com

Two: Climate Change (CBS News)

I first want to acknowledge two concerns that I hear voiced in many conservative and Pro-Trump settings which are The Green New Deal and the costly connotation that this brings forth. Luckily, Biden DOES NOT SUPPORT the Green New Deal as he has stated in several interviews and television programs such as the first presidential debate where he said “No, I don’t support the Green New Deal,” and then moving on to say, “I support the Biden plan that I put forward.” He has rather worked with scientists to develop a methodical plan for cleaning our planet where it says on CBS News “In contrast, Biden’s climate plan would lay out $2 trillion over 4 years towards clean energy and infrastructure, which he says will create “millions” of jobs and move the U.S. closer to a carbon-free future. (For comparison, the cost, while expensive, it is still short of the one-year, $2.2 trillion price tag for U.S. coronavirus stimulus measures to date.” And, “Biden’s plan is also much more narrowly focused than the Green New Deal.”

And because the republican agenda is focused, reasonably, on creating new jobs and keeping the economy afloat, the plan specifically states that it will, in fact, create millions of new jobs. There is something here for everyone whether you are tired of seeing trash on the highway, are ready for an influx of jobs, or want to reduce the number of puppies that become trapped and malnourished in hideous landfills.

Photo Credit: Nature.com

Three: Health Care

Before I lay out Biden’s plan for health care, I want to distinguish the difference between socialism and communism. As stated by Britannica, Socialism is the, “social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources.” This might sound similar to communism which is stated by Merriam Webster as “a theory advocating elimination of private property,” but in fact, the two are completely different ideas, and although it is easy to be confused by the definitions, there is a difference. In socialism practices, the government implements certain aided programs that are provided to citizens as a right such as free education and health care paid for by taxes. Communism is a form of government, whereas socialism can be a practice only mirrored in certain aspects. Although the argument is that raised taxes are always bad, taxing the wealthy one-percent is what Biden plans to do to pay for healthcare. Stated by CNBC, “Under Biden’s plan, the effective tax rate for the top 1% would increase from 26.8% to 39.8%, according to the Tax Policy Center.” This increase in taxing the wealthy one-percent would help pay for millions of American’s health care and would also not lead to taxes on the average American family. In fact, it was stated earlier in the video by Moody Analytics and Business insider that after taxes are paid, the average American household will actually gain an extra 4,800 dollars. With this process, health care can become a right, not a privilege. When it comes to health care, Biden is also going to allow any citizen who can afford it to keep their private insurance. As stated by the Washington Post, a conservative newspaper, Biden says that he “plans to improve the Affordable Health Care Act, not take away private insurance.” You should also note that Norway, Australia, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland are all ranked as the top five best countries to live in as of 2020 by the Economic Times, World Atlas, and many more. They all have socialized medicine as well as private health insurance which is exactly what Biden plans to implement.

Photo Credit: Healthinsurance.net


Even though it feels like our country is torn to pieces, this is not necessarily true. Americans have fought through the Depression, two World Wars, the Vietnam War, and countless movements. We are fighters. That is what defines us as Americans- how hard we work for justice and peace. So vote, protect everything that our ancestors have worked for- be a hero. It’s cliché, but every vote counts.

How and Why We Vote

How to Register by USA.gov

How to Vote in Every State by GoodHouseKeeping.com

How to Vote in Every State by Mashable

Why Every Vote Counts by Gary Ryan Blair (Medium)

Why Will Ferrell Votes by iHeart.com

Why Every Vote Counts by Evcnational.org

