
Robyn McNeil
the smell of skin
1 min readOct 18, 2021


Desire. Lust. Yearning.

These words and their meanings have been steady on my mind in the last weeks. I get excited by their promise and often find myself under their spell. As I’m taking time to consider the nature of attraction, I wonder why I’ve taken that promise for granted.

Is desire not necessity?

Desire is to sex as gas is to running a car. Without one, you really can’t have the other. I’m not saying you can’t *have* sex without the feeling of need, but ask yourself — is that the sex you want to be having?

One of my favourite things about attraction is how it lives in small moments. The catch of eyes, the brush of a hand, the way you whisper my name.

Yeah, just like that.

Say it again. YES.

One more time, even softer, in my ear as you press me hard into the wall, breath hot on my neck, hands pulling my hips into your stiffness.

Ain’t desire sweet?

