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Pro Bono — Part 2

A Public Display of Affection

E.T. Valkyr
Exceptional Erotica
10 min readDec 9, 2022


(Links: Content description, Part 1.)

I was working late again. Over a week had passed since my surreal encounter with the woman across the street, distant yet intimate. Every night when I needed a break, I would go over to the window and look for her. But she was never there. I told myself that even if I would never see her again, our encounter had given me something precious. But I couldn’t quite deny the longing I felt.

I had become determined to counteract all the sitting at my desk I was doing, so during the last week I had gone jogging a couple of times and even done a bit of yoga. When I stood up to stretch, I was pleased to find that the crick in my neck wasn’t quite as stubborn as it used to be. I stepped over to the window, a tremble of anticipation rising in me, then fading as I saw the room across the street was dark.

The whole thing felt crazy. Even though I’d shared one of the most intimate moments in my life with her, I knew nothing about the young woman. We’d never even been in the same room. I shook my head and chuckled.

“Did I miss something funny?” Aleksy’s voice from the doorway startled me out of my reveries.

“Oh. No, sorry. I was somewhere else entirely.” I turned around and walked back to my desk. “Time for you to head home?”

The janitor nodded, but didn’t turn away. “So, you know how I work the building across the street sometimes?” he said. “Well, a weird thing happened today. This young woman came up to me, asking about you. Only, she didn’t seem to know your name. She could only describe you.”

My heart almost stopped beating. “Oh? What did she say?” I tried to sound casual, but I clearly failed miserably because Aleksy lifted an amused eyebrow at my reaction.

“She just gave me a note to pass on to you,” he said and fished out something from the front pocket of his coveralls. It was a folded piece of paper from a notepad, held together with a piece of scotch tape. He took a few steps closer and put it on my desk.

I was too scared to reach out and take it. Then I realised I had been staring at it. “Ahm. Well. I don’t know,” I said, feeling flustered. “Weird. I don’t know anyone over there, I think.”

Aleksy just stood there a moment, looking amused. “Ok, Miss Williams. Sorry, Aisha. You have a good night now.”

I smiled awkwardly at Aleksy. “Good night, Aleksy. Thank you.”

As Aleksy retreated down the corridor, all I could do was sit there and stare at the note. I was trembling, and I couldn’t bring myself to reach out for it. I don’t know why. It felt like opening it would open a door to a whole new part of my life, a door that couldn’t be closed. I guess I was scared. I had gotten very comfortable in my routine of working too much and keeping everything else at arm’s length. So I went back to work, leaving the note to burn a hole in my desk.

I sunk back into the comfortable routine of going over briefs and correcting mistakes that might have caused someone a lot of trouble. Sure, I would chew people out about it, and they would pretend to listen. But they’d keep making mistakes, then get promoted out of here a few months later anyway. I really ought to talk to someone at the head office about it.

After working through most of the files, I sighed and leaned back in my chair, stretching my neck again. I looked at the clock on my desk. 7:58 pm. Late for most people, but I would often leave after 10 p.m. My eyes fell on the note, and before the doubt welled back up I snatched it from the table. Now that the decision had been made, I could barely contain myself. I cursed as I tore the paper trying to get the tape off, then unfolded it and pieced it back together. It had been written in pencil and the hasty scribbles gave it a sense of urgency.

Hey. It’s me, your friend from across the street. You were so beautiful that night, and I can’t stop thinking about what it would be like to meet you.

I’ll be waiting outside the main entrance of my building tonight at 8. If you don’t show up, I get it.

xoxo Samantha (Sam)

I was frozen, staring at the words. Then I had to read them again. I couldn’t do this, could I? Go meet some stranger in the streets, someone who I only knew because we’d watched each other jerk off across the street. It was mad. I looked at the clock. 8:04.

But what if this was the only chance I got to open that door? I felt paralysed by indecision, various scenarios flying through my head of what might happen if I went. Awkwardness, embarrassment. Maybe we’d be a terrible match?

But what happens if I don’t go? The answer to that was easy: I would regret it, possibly for the rest of my life.


I leapt out of my chair, sending it tumbling to the floor. I grabbed my bag and ran out, snatching my coat on the way. I fumbled with my key card, opting for the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. I didn’t so much run down the stairs as fall down them in a somewhat controlled fashion. How I managed to take all those flights in high heels without ending up a pile of broken bones at the bottom of the stairwell, I have no idea.

With the key card held up like a weapon, I skidded to a halt by the front doors and waited impatiently for the light on the console to switch to green before pushing the heavy door open and running out onto the sidewalk. Luckily no one was nearby or they might have thought I was being chased by a serial killer.

Was the front entrance on the left or the right side of her building? I wagered left and jogged in that direction. Wrong, I realised as I rounded the corner. I ran all the way back along the building, and my heart jumped when I turned the corner and spotted the small portico covering the main doors, but then it sank as I realised there was no one there. I slowed down, my breath racing to catch up as I hurriedly walked the rest of the way and took my phone out to check the time. 8:16 pm. I walked past the main entrance, hoping she would still be nearby. But the streets were empty and dark. A car rolled by, the only break in the constant murmur of the city and distant Punjabi music from the nearby round-the-clock corner shop.

I was about to give up when I thought I heard the clicking of high heels fading into the distance. I ran and rounded the next corner. In the far distance I saw the figure of a woman, walking away. I tried to call out but I was still out of breath. “Fuck it,” I muttered and took off my heels, holding one in each hand so I could jog after her without breaking something. It was undignified, but I didn’t care anymore. I couldn’t let her get away.

“Sam,” I finally managed to get out as I drew closer. “Samantha!”

She stopped and listened, as if she wasn’t sure if she’d heard something. Then she turned around, and when she saw me she put a hand to her mouth. I slowed my pace, and she just stood there as I covered the distance between us, walking slower to regain a bit of my composure. When I got closer, I had enough breath to speak like a normal person.

“Sorry,” I said. “I didn’t read the note until a few minutes ago.”

“It’s okay,” she said, her words a bit muffled by the hand still over her mouth. She was taller than me, but only because she wore high heels that added several inches to her height, sharp and tall. She was in similar clothes as the other night: A white business blouse and a black skirt, though now she had a light overcoat as well. She was petite but had an angular sturdiness to her in some places. I was ashamed to realise I had found that repulsive not long ago. Now I found it deeply attractive. Her blonde hair was in a hasty bun on the back of her head, and her deep blue eyes were wide as she looked at me.

We stood there, watching each other for a moment, neither of us knowing what to say or do. And then I stopped caring, and walked up to her and hugged her.

She practically melted into my embrace. “I’m so glad you came,” she said, her voice husky with pent-up emotions. A feminine voice with deeper undertones, and that too stirred something in me.

“Yeah, me too,” I said as I stroked her back, comforting her.

She finally pulled away a little, looking straight at me. It was the face of a woman who had faced a lot of trouble, and it had both strengthened her and made her more fragile at the same time. There were tears in the corners of her eyes, and I could see she dared not hope, dared not act in case she might spoil this fragile thing she had found. So I leaned in and kissed her.

It did not take long for her to respond, and she opened up to me with gratitude and passion. Our tongues met, rolling around each other as my hand fell to grab her ass, pushing her towards me. The bulge of her womanhood poked against me, and she drew back. “Sorry,” she said, getting a little flushed. “You’re just so fucking beautiful.”

I just smiled and put my hands on her shoulders so I could guide her a few steps backwards until we ended up in a poorly lit pedestrian passageway. Then I squatted before her and began running my hand up her leg, looking up at her. Her breath was erratic and she shivered as I caressed her inner thigh, then gasped as I found her package, barely contained by her panties. She looked nervously down the passageway, but we were alone but for the steady hum of distant traffic.

Eagerly she pulled up her skirt, and I slid her panties aside and brought out her cock, now fully erect. It was of average size, uncircumcised, and smooth, hairless balls hanging skewed underneath. I grabbed the shaft with one hand and leaned in to plant a kiss on one of her balls before licking it, tasting sweat and hints of herbal soap. She moaned in that resonant, husky voice of hers, and it spurred me on, so I took one of her balls into my mouth as I began stroking her cock.

She let out a long, shivering sigh and mumbled something unintelligible, so I figured I was doing something right. I kept my grip on her cock light and played with her balls in my mouth, running my tongue around them, slobbering saliva all over it. I pushed her cock up against my cheek so I could feel its warmth, rubbing it with my hand as I pressed it up against my face, her pre-cum making the head slip along my cheek, leaving a wet trail on my skin.

“Ahhhh, fuck,” she moaned. “That feels so fucking good.”

I looked up at her and watched as she removed a hair clip, letting her blonde waves spill onto her shoulders, making her look like an angel. I plopped her balls out and kept my eyes on her as I moved out to take her cock into my mouth. She tasted funky, bitter, and wonderful, and as I let my lips slide down her shaft, there were more tears in her eyes. I kept my eyes on her as I gobbled her cock over and over, my hand finding the base of her shaft to help along, and she moaned louder and louder as I pumped and sucked sloppily, loving every moment of it, getting wet even as I serviced her in a way I never had a man.

“Fffff — ” she gasped out. “Soon,” she said, the word turning into a prolonged moan. I merely held still, still looking up at her, letting her know I was okay with her cumming in my mouth. So she let go, and within moments she was crying out as she began releasing cascades of hot cum into my mouth while I kept rubbing the base of her cock. When the final pulse came, my mouth was full and I ran my tongue around the head, making her shiver. When she was clean, I pulled her dick out of my mouth and leaned a little to my side so I could spit her creamy load onto the ground, though some still clung to my lips. I stood up to face her, and without hesitation this time, she leaned in to lick the cum off my lips before opening her mouth for a deep kiss, sending her tongue to play with mine.

We kissed for a long time, her exposed cock still pressing up against my leg and probably leaving cum stains on my skirt, but I didn’t care. I hadn’t felt this alive for a long time. When I finally pulled away, I reached down to stow her cock back in her panties carefully, then helped her straighten her skirt out. Then I took her hand.

“Wanna come to my place?” I asked her.

“Yeah,” she said, breaking into a joyous smile. “I’d love that.”

We walked into the night together, hands clasped tightly, stealing glances at each other and giggling nervously.



E.T. Valkyr
Exceptional Erotica

Writer of pansexual multi-genre erotica with a strong foundation in storytelling and character development.