3 Spooky Haiku About Demonic Children

Joe Garza
The Snickering Skull
1 min readOct 8, 2019


Always check the agency you’re adopting from.

There’s nothing more beautiful than bringing an innocent child into the world so it can be corrupted by Lucifer and bring about the end of the world, or at least cause expensive cleaning bills.

If you like haiku about demons who cosplay as children, then I’ve got three of them right here for you:

“Why Don’t Condoms Work on Lucifer?”

(inspired by Rosemary’s Baby)

I slept with Satan

Now I am pregnant with hell

And no child support

“Can Someone Get This Priest A Towel?”

(inspired by The Exorcist)

A demon got bored

Took girl’s body for joy ride

Ate too much pea soup

“Wanted: Nanny With Expert Knowledge of the Book of Revelations”

(inspired by The Omen)

Prophecy came true

Young boy is the Antichrist

Needs a new nanny

Needs a new nanny

