The Snickering Skull Wants You & Your Frightening Wit

Joe Garza
The Snickering Skull
2 min readOct 7, 2019


Do YOU have what it takes to horrify and entertain readers?

The Snickering Skull is looking for some weirdo writers who know how to blend satire and scares into a wicked witch’s literary brew.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions must have elements of humor and horror. You can submit lighthearted creepy-chuckle pieces, twisted pitch black comedies, or anything in between, but it HAS to combine farce and fright in some form. Don’t make me send some ghosts to haunt your browser.
  • Submissions under 1,000 words are preferred, but longer pieces that are high quality will be considered. But really, if your submission is too long, just take a rusty chainsaw to it and butcher it down to size.
  • Profanity is ok, as long as it’s not too gratuitous or offensive. Working incantations for conjuring Satan or other demons will not be considered.
  • Poems, short stories, reviews, parodies, comics, essays, wacky news articles, or any other format that combines scares and satire are welcome. Seriously, take some creative risks and experiment like a mad scientist with words.
  • Only one submission at a time, please. I’m deadly serious about that internet ghost I’ll sic on you.

