SNW Beta Test Report

Superhero NFT Wars (SNW)
The SNW Blog
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2022

Greetings to all community members, investors, and partners,

We are proud to announce that the SNW’s Beta-test has ended successfully. We were delighted to see active participation from the community members during the beta test. We have received very positive feedback and super insightful suggestions from our beloved community.

We would like to present to you all the achievements made during the beta test in this article as an official wrap-up and through which we can also witness the growth of Superhero NFT Wars.

User Feedback Summary

The Beta-test was mainly intended to test out the SNW metaverse’s performance and gather user suggestions. Altogether, we gathered over 150 feedback entries from the community. 123 bugs and various suggestions have been reported. Here are some stats from the beta test.

Feature Ratings

The ratings on movement control, graphics, game socializing, and experience rating all score around 7–8 out of 10. The rating for each feature and the overall ratings have both increased significantly, as during the intermission, the development team had been working on fixing bugs and improving UI/UX.

We had a 5-day intermission between the two phases for us to fix the bugs and introduce some new features during phase 2. The new rating has improved by 7% after the 2nd phase of the beta test. The rating for new features is 7.7/10.

Recommendation Willingness

92% will recommend this SNW metaverse to a family or a friend.

Favorite Features

We would like to know about the favorite feature that is liked by most. We got 53% of people to think the “NFT Character” is their favorite feature.

Marketing Impression and Hype

During the beta test, SNW hosted a series of campaigns and activities that attracted around 5000 people to test out our product and have fun together.

Metaverse Walk

Two orientations were held to guide tourists who have entered the SNW metaverse for the first time ever to learn about the buildings, landmarks, functions, and even the memes and stories behind them. The feedback we got from the community is that they love the themed buildings of ETH and Doge, the monument of John McAfee, and the REKT J.P. Morgan headquarter. More than 400 people attended the orientation tour and followed through. A tourist brochure is also published for people who missed the orientations.

Recap video:

Landmark Photoshoot

To test the walk and the screenshot function and to make it more like a tour into the new world, we designed the Landmark Photoshoot campaign, which encouraged people to take photos with the famous landmarks in the SNW metaverse and share them on Twitter. There are in total of over 550 community members who completed all the tasks.

Bitcoin Pizza Day Celebration

During the intermission of the beta test, we had the Bitcoin Pizza Day celebration called “Bite the cheese (BTC), to the moon”. We invited the community to come to the newly “decorated” Bitcoin Pizza Fountain and make a wish 🌝. Everyone who participated received a piece of “Bitcoin Pizza” OAT as a reward.

Find Your Favorite Crypto Elements

In the end, we asked the community which crypto element on the SNW map is the most popular one, so we organized a “share and win” campaign on Twitter. It turned out that the giant Bitcoin sunglasses, the Bitcoin Pizza Fountain, and the ETH buildings are the favorite ones among the SNW community members.


To express our gratitude for the time spent on our platform and the valuable feedback, we have offered special rewards to the active participants of the beta test.

38,450 $SNGold were distributed to 204 people who participated in the first phase of the beta test.

604 people were included in the whitelist to claim the Bitcoin Pizza NFT.

10 people were rewarded 200 $SNGold each for sharing their favorite crypto elements in the SNW metaverse.

The last and the most important one is that 5 people were selected by the development team as the contributors of the most insightful ideas and visions about the project. Their names were written in the code and will be remembered in SNW’s history.

Roadmap Progress

According to our Roadmap, we have reached successful milestones, including:

  1. We have successfully issued the SNW-X & SNW-CB public sale.
  2. We have deployed “Play to EXP” mini-games of Guess ETH and Hodler Run.
  3. Furthermore, we have started to introduce more promising projects and rewards from collaboration projects.

Upcoming Goals and Plans

With the ultimate goal of producing the Meta-Oasis for every live project to have more user interaction and use case scenarios, we are still on our way toward some short-term goals:

Development and UI Team:

  1. Update the current version of the SNW map, including the central fountain, marketplace, and Moon Nightclub.
  2. Provide more interactive mini-games, utilities, and functions on the grand SNW map.
  3. PVP module and on-chain editor in the latter half of 2022.

Operation Team:

  1. Introduce SNW to more prospective users and maintain the current organic community members.
  2. Give regular updates about the latest features and perks, like the upcoming treasury fund, DAO governance, Community Guilds, etc.
  3. Host regular campaigns to get every hero involved.
  4. Behold the idea of “from the user, of the user, and to the user”, and listen carefully to the feedback and ideas from the community.

BD Team:

  1. Introduce more promising projects to the community.
  2. Give out more collaboration rewards and benefits to SNW-CB & SNW-X holders.

To summarize all the above, SNW is going to take all the valuable feedback and give out brand-new experiences for our users with the upcoming launch of the futuristic SocialFi metaverse. We truly hope our upgraded platform will introduce more members, industries, playability, and profits to our whole community! Please stay tuned for more!

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Superhero NFT Wars (SNW)
The SNW Blog

Community driven #NFT infrastructure #SocialFi on #Web3 aiming to empower all #JPGs with more interactive use case scenarios