5 reasons why the C-suite can't ignore social media

Damian Corbet
The Social C-Suite
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2014


The C-suite and social media? They don't go together do they?

I disagree. In today's hyper-connected world it's never been more important for the C-suite to get to grips with social media.

Here are just five reasons (there are many more):

1. Social media is now the #1 thing people do online - more than using search engines

2. The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55-64 year age group. It's not just for kids (if it ever was). Are you on Twitter? Your competitors probably already are

3. Social media is the most powerful networking tool available - bar none. It's an incredibly powerful way to make personal connections and expand your business network

4. It's also an amazing way to listen, gain market insights, assess risks and scan the horizon. Think of any industry trend and it's already being discussed on social media

5. The pace of change is fast: social networks, mobile devices, connected devices (the Internet of Things), augmented reality - these are just the latest manifestations of the digital revolution. It's not slowing down and there's no going back. You either keep up or become irrelevant. It's that simple.

The C-Suite has a duty to their businesses, their shareholders - and themselves - to understand the social and digital revolution and make it a top priority. Not doing so is negligence.



Damian Corbet
The Social C-Suite

Helping leaders embrace the social age | Founder @TheSocialCsuite.