Throw Like A Girl: A Love Letter From Social Shoppe

Julianna Sosa
The Social Shoppe


Throw Like a girl and make history. At least that is what Mo’ne Davis did. Mo’ne or “Mo” is a Little League baseball pitcher from Philly. She is the first girl to earn a win and to pitch a shutout in Little League World Series history. This girl is also the first Little League baseball player to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated as a Little League player. Notice I didn’t say “the first girl” but the first Little League baseball player EVER to be on the cover!

Now I have conviced you that this girl is awesome, because she is. But, I have to talk about something else. Something important.

Right before the game, a Fox News Reporter asked Mo’ne “Hey, quick question Mo’ne, what about, you know it’s typically, uhm, I don’t know, more, uh, female friendly sport, like soccer, no?” Besides being questionably incoherent, this reporter highlights a very big problem in media and society in general. Mo’ne is being asked irrelevant questions for a couple reasons. It could be because she is African American, a female, or simply for being a child. Adults, primarily those who don’t understand what it’s like to be stereotyped or shrunken down by someone who finds themselves to be superior- have trouble giving little girls the respect that they deserve.

Mo’ne answered this “question” calmly and cooly, making us just like her even more! She brushed off the remark and got back to baseball.

Little girls like Mo’ne, who don’t see the line between female and male capabilities, determined by a sexist society, are helping to shape our future. We must keep our children educated.

Never tell your little girl she can’t be something that you think is “boyish.” For all you know, she could be the next record holder at the Little League World Series.

Go Mo’ne!

