Dream Like Only You Can Dream

Will Chant and Quality Tracks for Quieter Times

Mycroft Mac
The Society Pages
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2021


Photo by Adam Griffith on Unsplash

Soup2Nutz Society is spending the week supporting Will Chant. Recently Chant released his new single “Ode To a Fellow Loner” an exquisite musical experience focusing on the trials of loneliness and being alone. I wrote an introductory article on Chant and this track earlier this week.

Chant has a gift for crafting emotionally charged, yet relatable, lyrics. Separate from the rocking vibes of the band Rose Avenue which he is a part, he focuses on gentler vibes for his solo recordings. This doesn’t diminish the impact of the songs, in fact it enhances the focus on the stories he tells by letting his warm vocals ride gently over the acoustic guitar.

There was much to consider this time around with The Collective when devising a playlist. While the focus is, of course, Chant, we wanted to enhance his artistry by laying his work side by side with other amazing singer/songwriters. We didn’t corrupt the vibe by swinging the tracks up to full blown rock and then back down, instead we attempted to stitch together a succinct list of great tracks for easy drives and late night fire pits. We hope you enjoy it.



Mycroft Mac
The Society Pages

40-something guy adrift in the world. MA English Lit, MS Instructional Design Technology. Philospher, Nerd, Sarcast. I game and podcast under “BombsInContext”.