A conversation with life.

DJ Abhishu
The SocioCommentator
4 min readJul 22, 2020


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash


There was brilliance all around…, trying to open my eyes. I stood up, unaware of my whereabouts, I looked around. It was the most serene forest; this nowhere was surrounded by lush green trees, a rainbow of flowers, and soothing petrichor. I was able to hear flowing water, as Bear Grylls told me in childhood, I walked towards the water

I would have walked just a little & there she was standing. As if she knew that I’d be there, smiling… one could not tell if it was wicked or wise

LIFE: Welcome… I heard you crying last night; you feel lost, and enraged with me, tell me… how can I help?

ME: Nope, I am not enraged with you. I was just mad at life, for being unfair, unjust, and partial, but (I paused) how do you know what I was feeling last night, who are you??

LIFE: I am life, I am the personification of life, here to answer your questions, to make sure that you know that I am not unjust or unfair or whatever you humans feel

I gazed at her with astonishment for a while

LIFE: Come on, we do not have all the time, we are not at your abode, and you have to go back… ask me anything you want to.

ME: Why are you so unjust? Why can’t you let people be happy??

LIFE: I am not unjust, you can stay happy as much as you want, I always give you what you want, you just have to pay the price.

ME: A price… so it was right, one has to be rich to be happy

LIFE: Don’t act so naive… I don’t accept human currency.

ME: So??? Are you from heaven or something… is there some heavenly currency which the priests are aware of??

LIFE: No… see, I like things when they are balanced, so for every unit of happiness, you’ll have to bear the same amount of sadness. I am not going to give you anything for free; you have to show me that you deserve what you have asked for

ME: I still don’t get you

LIFE: See the adversities you or anyone endures, are the price you are paying for something that will happen or has already happened

LIFE: E.g., a child who wants a bicycle, may have to work had (price) to score good and hence to receive cycle as a gift (product). Smaller your demand, smaller (easier) the price. Your obstacles are the amount that I want you to pay, and if you cross those obstacles, then you paid the price, and you will receive what you asked for. If you don’t receive what you asked, then maybe you haven’t paid the price.

One more thing, discovering the obstacle is also included in the price which you have to pay, I can give you a transparent obstacle it’s your duty to look for it. Sometimes you may focus all your energy on something which leads nowhere, that’s on you, not on me.

Hefty wishes lead to humongous obstacles. The rule is what comes easy won’t last, and what lasts won’t come easy. And I am not that cruel, sometimes if I feel like that I have given you a difficult obstacle then I will send help, but don’t you dare cheat me, humans think that you can cheat anyone easily, but every step of yours is under scrutiny. Shortcuts you take are considered as deception… and then you leave me no choice but to be cruel.

I will take my price by hook or by crook, you know… once upon a time a family found a Ginny they asked him to give them 10 lakh rs he agreed and that same day in the evening a man knocked there door and gave them 10lakh rs and said: “my car smashed your son and he died on the spot I am sorry, keep this money as compensation.”

They did not want to pay me with hard work, so they had to pay with grief, if you do not give it in the form I want, then I will have to take it in the form you will never want.

ME: Okay, I kinda get you, but Why are some people happier than others?

LIFE: People think that I give unnecessary pain, but that’s not the case, I have to maintain the balance. Some people indeed get more happiness than others, but they also get more pain/grief than others. If you get two units of happiness you will get two units of pain. The same is the case for 100, 1000, or any number.

ME: But…

LIFE: Enough for today, contemplate on it, you will understand… When you know what I am trying to do, bearing all the pain gets a bit easier

And have a purpose in your life, when you know the reason you are bearing the pain, you can bear any amount of pain. A mother will go through so many adversities for her child; the same adversities can feel too much to a normal person, that’s because the child is the purpose for her. So have a purpose, it helps.

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