Land Dispute Wars- A Boon Or A Bane

The SocioCommentator
4 min readOct 17, 2020


In the year 1917, Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin led a coup to remove the Czar and created USSR in 1917. Just within a span of 2 years, A war broke out in 1919 known as Polish-Soviet war, after the defeat of Germany in the World-War 1, Polish army under the command Józef Piłsudski started an offence against Soviet for their Independence. The war ended in 1921 when the Soviet and the Polish blocs signed the ‘Treaty of Riga’ which declared mutual border agreement. The actions lead to endless destruction of lives, 100,000 Soviet lives and 25,000+ Polish lives, were lost in the battle.

RIF Battle also is known as the War of Melilla, commenced in the years of 1921–1926 between the Spanish Army and Morocco Militants led by Abd el-Krim. With the outbreak of war, Spain lost the territory of 8000 miles within a week by experts, it was termed, as the ‘worst military disaster suffered by a colonial power after Italy failed in Ethiopia in 1896. After political upheavals and public anger in Spain, France and Spain quickly attacked the Militants.

By 1926, Abd el-Krim surrendered in front of the forces and was sent, to exile. In the war, the RIF suffered 30,000+ casualties as ascertained by the figures. Spanish Amry lost nearly 43,000 soldiers. In the period of war, Spain had to incur war funds of 450 Million Dollars.

If we look at the ongoing border Crisis- China, India, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Ethiopia, USA, Israel, Armenia and Azerbaijan seems to be the epicentre of a war. India is contending land of Kashmir and Ladakh with China and Pakistan. The border relations with Pakistan and China are volatile since the 1950s. 40–50 deaths on border, every year for both the sides is noticed consistently, in the years of no war. Recently in a clash 20 brave hearts of India lost their lives. Meanwhile, the Chinese side lost nearly 40.

Azerbaijan and Armenian conflict are nearly a 100 year old, since 1921, A region Nagoro- Karabakh has been a centre of contention for both the countries. In 1990, Black January commenced, 26,000 Soviet soldiers, marched into Azerbaijan. Between 1991 and 1994, Azerbaijan went in an all-out war against Armenia. In the Aftermath, 600,000 Azeri were internally displaced, 350,000 Armenian refugees and 30,000 people were dead. In 2011, Peace mediation offered by Russia failed. In 2020 Skirmishes between the two countries has begun in July.

Eritrea-Ethiopia territorial dispute is a decades-long conflict. It has been labelled, as the deadliest war of the region in 2000, Ethiopia and Djibouti signed a peace deal despite these two remain on a war-foot. The war led to the displacement of Ethenic communities from the town of Badme. Many want to leave Eritrea for Europe. The long-lasting war is asked for an end by the people, as both the economically weaker countries suffer from impact.

Eritrea and Ethiopia both countries have territorial issues with other countries which threaten regional peace. Eritrea conflicts with Djibouti, Ethiopia conflicts with Egypt and Sudan endangering millions of lives.

Israel-Palestine war is an ongoing conflict which intrigues Europe and the USA, with the purpose of peace the US broke a historic peace treaty between the UAE and Israel. Nearly 7,000 people lost their lives in 2008, Gaza war.

USA, Russia, Denmark, Sweden and other first world countries are claiming extraterrestrial land as part of their countries as to claim the resources. Sea’s, Poles are also subjected, to claims by these countries. The Arctic Seafloor is one of the places for contention between Russia, US, Canada, Denmark and Norway. Since 2015, Russia wants to legitimize its claims over Arctic Seafloor. The South China Sea, China has long tried to legitimize its claim over the sea with 5 trillion trade travelling through the sea. Taiwan and Vietnam contest for the claims of the South China sea, turning the condition volatile.

The Disputes broached above are few among the colossal disputes. After World War 1, World War 2 and the end of the Cold War, it was finally thought the world would see some tranquillity, but the world sits on the crossroads of choosing one between destruction and mutual growth. The political systems and strong stance by the governments, lead the world on the path of mutually assured destruction.

In the last 20 years, there is a vertiginous growth in International Media, more public awareness and inclusion still it seems to tip in the favour for war.

Transparent systems are the need to curb disputes between the countries. It is the people who suffer, hence they are the one’s who can systematically decide whether warring is the need or peace is the need. Pandemic has shooked the world yet countries focus on fighting on the border issues. Border issues seem to be a boon for political leaders of the country, but it always causes harm to the civilians, those who do not favour from the war but losses the livelihood and family. As per my opinion, bilateral talks and Involvement of the press and international organization is the only way to secure the citizens.



The SocioCommentator

politically incorrect my views are open to interpretation, young aspiring politician in a country where it is very unrealistic to become one without corruption