Lessons from Life. Part 2: Pizza Slice.

Shikha Sagar
The SocioCommentator
2 min readOct 8, 2020


What lesson a “pizza” could give, right? Apparently, like any other thing in your life, pizza has undeniably its self made importance. People, especially like me, LOVE pizzas. Exceptions considered too! One may relate this article through his favorite food item.
I love cheese, and because of that, I love pizzas. Okay, that was irrelevant but cheesy. I know!
So, coming to the story. Since childhood, whenever my parents used to order pizza, me being a kid and pizza being my favorite, there used to be a constant desire of eating all of it, irrespective of my appetite. Being born in an Indian family that also with unwanted siblings, you have to SHARE. You know, sharing is caring, right!
Years and years went by. And pizza? It kept on sacrificing!
Eventually, last year, I shifted to a pg. Being an introvert, it took a little time to make friends over there. However, I never liked eating alone. It seems lonely and the worst task of my day. Meanwhile, this pizza incident happened. One day, with the thought of escaping the tiffin service’s awful food and for a treat to self, I ordered PIZZA. I had this oddly satisfying thought that this time, I don’t have to share it with anyone. This time, I could have it all by myself.
I was wrong. Completely wrong!
No. Not on the sharing part. I was wrong on the part of the satisfaction.
Although I had it alone for the first time, it tasted good only in the beginning. The latter part went on how much fun and tastier it could have been if my loved ones were there.
It’s stupid. I know. But at that point in my life I realized, the fact that you can have all the success and everything in this world, but it’ll remain incomplete if your loved ones are missing. I’m not referring to snakes here. I don’t mean that if you don’t have anyone, your life is awful. Having pizza all by yourself can’t be dreadful, please! It’s just like, life becomes a little more beautiful. So, no matter how great you achieve in life, never forget your roots and keep your loved ones always a priority.
Eating alone is still one of the most detestable parts of my day. (NOT PIZZA THO).

