Arhant Doongarwal
The SocioCommentator
4 min readOct 20, 2020


Look around in your encircling and observe each facet minutely, and you are sure to perceive thousands of varied perceptions.

As said in the words of Shri Swami Vivekananda Ji,

“We are what our thoughts have made us; so, take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.”

These ideas laid down by this great Indian Sage, are not mere words. Instead, they are the basis of one’s sole existence. This sole idea has influenced and touched the lives of millions around the globe. A mere vision of Gandhi Ji to see an independent India sparked a revolution all over the country, ultimately upturning the British Raj. A mere inquisitiveness to search for truth turned the princely child Siddharth into Gautam Buddha. The traits and attitude that Dr Kalam garnered from his parents turned this ordinary Tamil boy into the ‘Missile Man of India’ and today we all see him as our paradigm. Thus, a single idea has the immense power to renovate and evolve the planet.

Stated the vitality of a thought, contemplate and analyze the makeover that a total of 7.6 billion visions can bring in this world. The fate of the world can be upturned, and this is possible only with the presence of right thought and ideology. Unfortunately, the current generation is going in the incorrect direction, and this is resulting in the downfall of each aspect of the world. The youth is subjected to heavy and intolerant ideological pollution.

Thought pollution is a vast and profound theme for discussion. In simple words, thought pollution is the contamination of internal solitude and tranquillity, arising due to varied neurological factors ranging from overthinking to pessimism. We create thoughts based on information, beliefs, and past experiences. Our every thought generates a feeling. Feelings develop our attitude. Our attitude then comes into action as our comportment. The environment we see is both a direct and indirect manifestation of the effect of our thoughts. A sum of our individual thoughts forms the collective human consciousness. Therefore, if there is destructiveness in the thoughts of human beings, then he does his own harm as well as inadvertently harms society, country, and the entire human race. Thus, thoughts replicate one’s mind. Thoughts can assess Man’s personality, and the outline of man’s future also rests on the foundation of his thoughts.

Polluted Thinking includes inexplicable, devious, destructive, prejudiced, selfish, and sick thinking. It demolishes the humane values and ethics, societal integrity and stature, family structure and strength, individual character and results in weak, immoral, and unhealthy family and society. A tainted mentality becomes the advocate of debauchery, dishonesty, and betrayal.

Our polluted ideologies have resulted in our own collapse, and all global environmental concerns are a direct expression of our own ideas. Our ever-growing desires and requirements have led to the hindering of the ecosystem, and we, ourselves, are facing the wrath of nature.

From the political viewpoint, filthy and selfish thoughts direct politicians and government officials to indulge in acts that, ultimately, defile the decency and value of their promise to serve the nation.

Spoiled thoughts also ruin cultures and many regional tribes, and indigenous societies have lost their significance due to the selfish act of one or two individuals of the same community, and this has resulted in the downfall of the entire group.

Spiritual and emotional health are of paramount significance to any individual; however, ill thoughts have shown an adverse impact on these aspects as well.

A person of ill thoughts is bound to have a poor company of friends. Thus, it is obvious that he/she would be indulged in acts promoting self-harm such as gambling, consuming harmful eatables, etc. A person is completely lost in acquiring these sensual pleasures, and he/she fails to remember the distinction between good or bad. These diversions make a person blind, and he/she devotes massive amounts of wealth in such extraneous pursuits, leading to economic and financial distress on him and his dependents.

As quoted by some wise being, “Prevention is better than cure.” Following this universal law, an entity must clear the debris in his/her mind before that junk turns into a heap of garbage. To get rid of thought pollution, an individual must regularly practice meditation to heal and clean the ‘prana’ or the life force energy that determines one’s acts and deeds. Practising yoga is also a beneficiary in the long run. The word ‘yoga’, itself means ‘reunion with the positive worldly forces’. Listening to positive affirmations keeps one charged for the unanticipated day that lies ahead and helps one remain conscious of his/her choices. “Surround yourself with positive people who encourage, uplift and empower you.” — This must be the ultimate motto of one’s life. One must read inspiring, spiritual, and divine literature, watch empowering shows, engage in positive activities, reflect on positive events, be grateful for the good things in life, etc. Thus, one must make life a celebration.



Arhant Doongarwal
The SocioCommentator

( National Patriot l Student l Explorer l Amateur Writer and Athlete l Meditator l Public Speaker l Programmer l Aspiring Success In Future Endeavours )