Meditation: Imagine a Positive Future for Education

Loran Vanden Bosch
The Solarpunk Hub
Published in
6 min readDec 17, 2023


Photo credit: Unseen Studio on Unsplash

This is a transcript of a meditation that was originally published on Insight Timer. If you prefer audio, you can listen to me read it below.

Hello, welcome to this guided meditation that will help you imagine a more positive future.

As the world seemingly continues to grow darker around us, we may begin to question whether a good future is even remotely possible.

A good future will always be a possibility as long as we have the courage to imagine it and the discipline to continue imagining it. When humanity can collectively imagine a better future for itself, it will manifest into reality.

In today’s guided meditation, we will imagine the schools of the future together. I will give you my vision, and I will insert a pause so that you can add to my vision or create your own. At the end of the mediation, I will invite you to share your own vision of the future of education.

Before we begin, close your eyes and take one deep breath in. And out. Deep breath in. And out again. Now, breathe…



Loran Vanden Bosch
The Solarpunk Hub

queer neurodivergent zoomer writer, community organizer, marathoner, tradesperson-in-training based in Chicago