Connecting Firebase with a Namecheap domain

Hedy Marston
The Solo Developer Journey
2 min readFeb 12, 2023
Logo of Firebase next to logo of Namecheap

Firebase allows us to connect a custom domain so that we can — for example — send verification emails through our own domain. This requires adding certain DNS records to our domain registrar. However, if your domain registrar is Namecheap, the instructions given by Firebase are not accurate.

For example, if you’re trying to use Firebase Auth and the domain you want to connect is, the Firebase instructions will tell you to add the following four DNS records:

  • Two TXT records with host
  • One CNAME record with host
  • One CNAME record with host

However, the Namecheap page for DNS records says:

Host: If you need to create a record for a bare domain (e.g., mydomain.tld), it is needed to put @ in this field.
In case a record for any subdomain (like www.mydomain.tld or blog.mydomain.tld) should be created, put only the name of your subdomain into the Host field without mentioning the domain itself. As such, the record for www.mydomain.tld should have only www in the Host.

This means that the hosts for the four DNS records actually need to be:

  • For the TXT records: simply@
  • For the CNAME records we need to omit, leaving only: firebase1._domainkey, firebase2._domainkey

After you’ve added the correct DNS records, they will need some time to propagate before Firebase can actually verify your domain. You can check the progress on the propagation using a tool such as

Good luck!



Hedy Marston
The Solo Developer Journey

Frustrated but hopeful human experimenting with ways to ditch the 9–5.