We are all heroes

Anirudh jain
The Sonder Leaf
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2017

“ All the world’s a stage,
Men and Women merely players ”

— William Shakespeare

We build up stories. Our whole lives broken up, recast into stories. Sometimes we are the star, sometimes the supporting cast. But always, our life is the story, the world a stage and we the players. Each of us discovers what kind of story they are playing. Deep within the recess of our minds we decide what kind of story defines us — the story of unfair tragedies or the story of a hero on a perpetually righteous journey.

We are all heroes of the stories we tell ourselves. We grow into them, forcing the choices which conform to the story, our story. Flowing through the river of life we stick to the one current we have declared as our own. Wanting to be that sad tragic hero, wanting to be abandoned, needing to be the hero our story demands. You see the vision we have for our self supersedes happiness or pain. For we are all ruled by stories, made by stories and the story must finish.

Yet a story just on its own is a lone creeping twig climbing an impossible wall. Wounding about itself, lost and alone the story of our soul cannot be written just by itself. If we are just lucky enough, our story may just lead to other stories. Two currents mingling and rushing against each other. Dragging both down or going faster together. After all stories have conflicts and when two of them try to mingle — well, stories love drama for that is their nature.

Sometimes, if we are lucky enough, if we the story we have for our self allows it or if we can fight it when it doesn’t. If we just allow the thread of our story mingle with someone else’s. Let them flow together working together or against each other. Building up the threads to form a tapestry together. Maybe even letting go and accepting it wasn’t your story to begin with. Going from hero to the support cast, weaving the tapestry, doing whatever it takes to hold it together.

The best thing about stories is that they can change. They evolve and mix with stories and just as we let the story we were telling ourselves go, we find that we already in another one. Because stories don’t just define us. They are part of us and in them, we are all heroes.

