Renew Your Spirit, Revive Your Soul, Re-Discover Your Purpose

Dr. Makeda Ansah
The Soul Revivalist
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2 min readJun 14, 2024

I decided I Wasn’t Going To Suffer From My Past Anymore and So Can You

Photo by Julie Blake Edison on Unsplash

Today 32 years ago at the age of 19, I got married. See, now you know how old I am, Ha Ha!

I already had one child, one on the way, and whole lot of dreams.

Looking back, I believe I had good intentions.

I wanted a family.

Of course exiting the foster care system a year and a half prior, being married and starting a family made sense.

No, I couldn’t be more wrong. How can I start a family when I didn’t know who I was?

I truth, I really didn’t know who I was. My biological parents never legally named me. Paternity was not established, and I somehow masked by insecurities with ambition.

On a broader scale I believe most people do that. I often hear, my life was like this that that, so I’m doing this so I can have a better life.

But the truth is, unless a person finds out who they truly are and get the answers they need to navigate life safely and with surety, all of the other goals and dreams will soon crash and burn. They will have no choice but to succumb to the truth like I did, to find out that I was lost!

It wasn’t until I have my heart to the Lord, that I began to see, and receive the spirit of discernment to seek the truth in all matters pertaining to my life.

Of course, I had to muster up the courage to manage my emotions, and reject the ill advances of poor suitors, and that took a while.

Nevertheless, that fact that I am still hear and I can reflect without malice and confusion, I say I won that war, with God’s help of course.

I have so much to share! Can’t you tell?

This journey to my soul’s revival has been many things: supernatural, faith-filled, persevering, painful, tiring, but for the most part very rewarding.

I am here.

I have a renewed spirit, a revived soul, and a re-discovered purpose, one far from the goals I began with 32 years ago.

Won’t you join me on this journey? Perhaps my little lessons can help you find some peace of mind, clarity and courage to renew your spirit, revive your soul and discover or re-discover your purpose.

Sign up for my newsletter so you can catch my murmurings and daily wisdom.

In Christ’s Love,

Dr. Makeda Ansah



Dr. Makeda Ansah
The Soul Revivalist

'The Soul Revivalist," Helping You Renew Your Spirit, Revive Your Soul and Re-Discover Your Purpose.