Sonic Similarity — how to find the right song now

The Sound of AI
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2019

Whichever your chosen medium, the digital era promises widespread opportunity to fuse video and sound into breathtaking storytelling. But it’s all dependent on the chemistry between what you see and what you hear. Finding the most appropriate musical accompaniment is something that film studios pay tremendous amounts for. Music supervisors earn upwards of six figure salaries for this exact job.

Any tools that speed up or simplify the completion of this process are therefore welcomed with open arms. And if the tools aren’t yet available, it’s important for those in the industry to gain awareness of it, at the very least. The AI revolution is fundamentally moving the music industry forward — in particular a technical approach called Sonic Similarity. We decided this topic would provide an insightful contribution to the music industry community.

In this one-hour webinar, you’ll acquire a basic technical understanding of the AI approach Sonic Similarity and how it works, and learn how it can be applied to specific music business cases.

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