Amazon Live Influencers EVERYTHING You Need To Know

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The Source Approach
8 min readJul 19, 2020
  • Live streaming generated over $61 billion in 2019 and now, Amazon has launched Amazon Live for participants of the Amazon Influencer Program.
  • What is Amazon Live? Amazon Live Influencers hold live streams on the Amazon Live platform where they recommend products and earn a commission with a format similar to QVC.
  • With Influencer Marketing generating at ROI of 23 to 1 for brands, Amazon Live Influencers are a top strategy to build awareness and drive sales on Amazon.

Boosting sales, driving down ad costs and skyrocketing Amazon SEO is at the top of every Amazon sellers priority list.

Amazon Influencers have made this simple for brands since 1996, but Amazon Influencers now have a platform that makes them even more effective at selling.

Amazon Live Influencers leverage their hyper-engaged audiences from their Blogs, YouTube, Social Media & more over to Amazon Live where they take the QVC format to the next level.

If you’ve ever wanted to have your product discussed and demonstrated live to customers on Amazon, just like a sales representative, this is for you.

What is Amazon Live?

You’ve likely heard of the massive $61 Billion industry that is live streaming for eCommerce.

One of the most notable live streaming platforms with product recommendations since 2011 has been Twitch which has since become an Amazon company.

Amazon Influencers on Twitch drive significant revenue for brands on Amazon and now, Amazon has incorporated this into its flagship marketplace.

Enter, Amazon Live.

What is Amazon Live?

Amazon Live is Amazons live streaming eCommerce platform where Amazon Influencers host live streams to demonstrate and recommend products on Amazon.

Example Amazon Live Stream: ( My Level 10 Life)

How Amazon Live Works:

  • Shoppers hear about live streams that their favorite social media influencers are hosting on their social media network of choice, say by an Instagram post, Tweet or YouTube Community post.
  • The shopper then heads over to Amazon Live to watch their influencers live stream.
  • Shoppers can also discover live streams to watch by heading to Amazon Live and selecting a category that interests them to see the Amazon Live Influencers creating live streams.
  • On the live stream, the Amazon Influencer talks about their favorite products and communicates their value by showing them off in hand or by browsing the Amazon product pages.
  • Shoppers learn about the best products to buy and can quickly & easily purchase by clicking the links to the products right under the live stream.
  • Shoppers can also chat with one another right on the platform in a convenient chat room that appears right next to the live stream.

If you’re new to Amazon Influencer Marketing, you can quickly get caught up by reading: How Does Amazon Influencer Marketing Work?

Example Amazon Live Category Search:

Amazon Live and live streaming product recommendations for eCommerce is powerful in that it takes the QVC model and adds significant layers of trust, intimacy and personalization.

This is because Amazon Live Influencers are Amazon Influencers whose audience already knows, likes and trusts them on their platform of choice.

Amazon Live Influencers already have an established relationship with the audience or have the platform to establish one after being discovered through an Amazon Live stream.

That said, Amazon Live is half of the equation.

Amazon Live Influencers are the other half.

What Are Amazon Live Influencers?

Amazon Live Influencers are members of the Amazon Influencer Program who host live streams on Amazon Live where they demonstrate and recommend products to their audience.

The products that the Amazon Live Influencer recommends appear conveniently underneath the video live stream window so the customer can purchase the product easily.

The Amazon Live Influencer also has an Amazon Influencer Shop that contains their profile and lists of their recommended products along with links to their live streams.

When Amazon Live Influencers host live streams on Amazon Live, they earn a commission for the products they recommend.

Amazon Live Influencers have an existing audience on:

When Amazon Live Influencers host live streams, they show off products in hand or browse them on Amazon along with their viewers like this:

Amazon Live Influencer Example: ( Trisha Hershberger)

The Amazon Live Influencer discusses and recommends products they use or are passionate about.

More importantly, they don’t just recommend any product.

They recommend products that they know their audience would be interested in and that they can speak to.

For example, a camping Amazon Influencer is not going to randomly recommend home decor.

That means, the audience is far more likely to buy because it is authentic.

(Learn more: What is an Amazon Influencer?)

Which is one of the primary benefits.

Speaking of benefits…

What Are The Benefits of Amazon Live Influencers?

The benefits of Amazon Live Influencers are plentiful and powerful.

Amazon Live Influencer Benefits

  • Live streaming to recommend products is a proven, massive industry.
  • Amazon Live Influencers audiences take their recommendations.
  • The audience of an Amazon Live Influencer are passionate enthusiasts.
  • Their audiences are large, spanning blogs, social media networks & more.
  • You will expose your brand to hyper-engaged audiences ready to buy, because they’re on Amazon.

The last point is important and worth expanding on.

If a potential customer specifically clicks on a link to watch an Amazon Live stream from an Amazon Live Influencer, they are heading to Amazon Live with a purpose.

That purpose is to find things to buy.

Here are some Amazon Influencer Examples to check out if you think it would be helpful to see some in action.

So, how much do Amazon Live Influencers earn when someone buys a product they recommend?

How Much Do Amazon Live Influencers Earn?

Video games and game consoles


Televisions & digital download games:


Computers, computer accessories, DVD & Blu-Ray:


Amazon Tablets & Kindle devices:


Paper Books, Health & Personal Care, Sports, Kitchen, Auto & Baby:


Digital Music, Video Downloads, Grocery, Handmade, Musical Instruments:


Business & Industrial Supplies:


Clothes & Accessories, Amazon TV’s, Echo’s & Jewelry:


Furniture, Lawn & Garden, Home Improvement, Prime Pantry & Pet Products:


Amazon Fashion Items & Amazon Coins:


What’s more? The commission is paid by Amazon and not from the brand.

It does not come out of a Seller Central or Vendor Central account.

That said, how much should you pay an Amazon Live Influencer?

How Much Do Amazon Live Influencers Cost?

There is no set fee for Amazon Live Influencers.

A general rule of thumb is, the larger the audience, the more value they add to your brand, therefore, they may request a larger fee.

That said, nano-influencers and micro-influencers are often happy to work with brands in exchange for free products.

The more important question, is how much are influencers worth for your brand?

We have put together a comprehensive guide that gives you a simple equation to use, you can download it here:

You can also check out our blog post: How Much Should You Pay An Amazon Influencer? to go in depth.

The other important question?

How do you find Amazon Live Influencers?

How To Find Amazon Live Influencers

The easiest way to find Amazon Live Influencers right now is to head over to the Amazon Live page.

From there, you’ll want to check out the categories related to your product.

There, you’ll find the Amazon Live Influencers hosting live streams in your product category.

Amazon Live Influencer Categories:

Now, once you’ve found Amazon Live Influencers, what will you need to work with them?

How To Work With Amazon Live Influencers

Working with Amazon Live Influencers is just like working with Amazon Influencers.

It’s simple.

You will want to follow these steps.

How To Work With Amazon Live Influencers:

  1. Start by following your Amazon Live Influencer on social media.
  2. Engage with their content for a few days.
  3. Reach out to them via DM or email to start the conversation
  4. Offer them free product, giveaways for their audience & ask them if they’d be interested in working with your brand.
  5. You’ll identify when they have a live stream coming up after they’ve had an opportunity to check out the product. (In many cases, they may not even need to check out the product, rather clearly understand the value in it straight away and agree to work with you.
  6. Send them over your Brand Influencer Kit so they have everything they need to talk about your product, talking points, logos, product images, product videos, etc.
  7. Lastly, you’ll want to let your audience know about the live stream coming up and cross-promote.

Need more detail on reaching out to Amazon Influencers?

Check out: How To Reach Out To Amazon Influencers

Need more inspiration on how to work with Amazon Influencers?

We have a comprehensive guide that lays out the best Amazon Influencer Marketing Campaigns: The Best Amazon Influencer Marketing Campaigns

  • eCommerce live streaming is a massive $61 billion industry
  • Amazon Live is Amazons’ live streaming platform where influencers who are part of the Amazon Influencer Program recommend products via live streaming.
  • Amazon Live Influencer streams are effective because the customers watching are looking to buy products, rather than browse.
  • Amazon Live Influencers are a powerful way to drive brand awareness as the customer is discovering your product and its value at the same time.
  • Amazon Live Influencers do not need brand involvement to recommend products as they are doing it anyways so the products they recommend may as well be yours.
  • Amazon Influencer Marketing can have massive returns! According to various sources the average returns can range from $23 up to $56 for every dollar invested.

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The Source Approach

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