Tanner Rankin
The Source Approach
23 min readMay 15, 2018
  • Amazon SEO (Amazon Search Engine Optimization) means optimizing your presence both on and off Amazon so that your product listings appear at the top of Amazon product searches.
  • You can significantly improve your Amazon SEO by driving OFF Amazon traffic onto Amazon with Amazon Influencers, Improving Your CTS (Click To Sale — Conversion Rates), Keyword Research, Amazon Listing Optimization, Improving Amazon Seller Metrics & more by focusing on the 25 Amazon SEO Factors below.
  • Appearing at the top of Amazon product searches with Amazon SEO increases sales, drives brand credibility & perceived value among other powerful long term benefits.

Getting found in Amazon product searches is painstaking. If you’re an Amazon Seller Central seller, Amazon Vendor Central seller or selling Amazon B2B I’m sure you’d agree.

As a top-rated Amazon Consultant with 10+ years of experience, I’m going to help you get your listings to the top of Amazon search results by breaking down every Amazon SEO factor into simple, easy to understand and take action on sections.

I’ve also created a super easy to read Amazon SEO INFOGRAPHIC that I’ve placed at the end to help you.

What is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO (Amazon Search Engine Optimization) means optimizing your presence both on and off Amazon so that your product listings appear at the top of Amazon product searches.

When a customer searches on Amazon, Amazon’s search algorithm (a9), evaluates the search to determine what products should show up like this:

Just like search result listings on Google, Amazon Product Search Results are not arbitrary, nor did they pay Amazon just to be at the top.

Unless of course, they’re advertisements.

Here is how to tell:

These are the top 2 search results on Amazon for “Camping MultiTool”.

The top result notes that it is sponsored.

That seller paid for a sponsored listing ad so that product would appear in the top results for that keyword as part of their Amazon Advertising Strategy.

The second result was achieved through Amazon SEO.

This is FREE advertising.

Let me explain…

Amazon’s logic, or algorithm, for what products it decides to have show up at the top of Amazon product search results is called A9 and ultimately boils down to asking this question;

“If I (Amazon) show this product to this customer, based on the search terms (Amazon Keywords) they typed in, will they click on the listing and buy the product?”

Amazon evaluates your seller account and product listing on a multitude of factors to predict if your listing will sell, if they think it will, then they will show it higher for search queries.

Want to decrease ACoS on Amazon? Focus heavily on getting sales from organic search results with Amazon Listing Optimization and Amazon SEO.

Here are a few items that the Amazon a9 Algorithm looks at to determine if the product will sell or not:

Some Metrics Considered By a9 For Amazon SEO:

  • BSR (Best Seller Rank)
  • Price
  • CTS (Click To Sale)
  • Your Product Listing Conversion Rates (how many people actually buy vs. how many people click on your listing)
  • Relevancy (The Amazon Keywords on your listing & more)
  • Amazon Reviews (quantity & quality)
  • Retention (Seller Feedback, Defects, re-orders)

Unlike Google, who goes to great lengths to keep the ranking factors they use to decide who shows up at the top of their search results a secret, Amazon doesn’t subscribe to their same ideology.

They’ll flat out tell you some of their ranking factors. Just browse the Amazon Services Seller Education pages.

So how does the Amazon a9 algorithm work?

What is Amazon A9?

Similar to Google Rank Brain or any of the other names algorithm’s have been given, Amazon has put a name to the logic of how it determines how high a product will show up in its search results.

That name is Amazon A9.

They actually tell you themselves what they look at to decide how high your product will appear in Amazon product search results.

Here are some highlights.

Our work starts long before a customer types a query. We’ve been analyzing data, observing past traffic patterns, and indexing the text describing every product in our catalog before the customer has even decided to search. — Amazon

Remember when I was talking about BSR, Conversion Rates & more earlier?

So we focus on the words and the intent behind those words. — Amazon

In Amazon Keyword Research or even normal Google SEO Keyword Research, some keywords indicate you are doing research and want to know more about a product while others indicate you’ve already done your research and now you are looking for a product to BUY.

You’re after buyer intent. That’s the name of the game. Here is an example that I use with my Amazon Consulting clients.

Let’s say we search for “Womens Red Shoes”.

Lot’s of different kinds of red shoes. If you’re searching for something broad like this, you are trying to learn what kind of red shoes you want.

You are NOT in BUY mode.

Okay, so you’ve done your research, you’ve narrowed it down.

So now you go back into Amazon’s search field and type in:

“red women’s suede open toe pumps size 6”

You see the Amazon Keywords?

This searcher has narrowed down that:

  • They need or want the color red
  • They need or want a women’s shoe
  • They need or want them to be made out of suede
  • They need or want an open toe
  • They need or want pumps
  • And they need or want Size 6

This is buyer intent all day long. They’ve narrowed down everything they need and are searching for it exactly.

That’s what Amazon’s A9 Algorithm figures out and sorts it out to listings on Amazon.

  • What you need
  • The likelihood if you’re going to buy it

You want to gear your listings on Amazon around buyer intent keywords. Follow?

Amazon SEO Tries To Identify Your Intent By Evaluating:

Some more from Amazon:

One of A9’s tenets is that relevance is in the eye of the customer and we strive to get the best results for our users. Once we determine which items are good matches to the customer’s query, our ranking algorithms score them to present the most relevant results to the user.


Amazon looks at what products have produced sales for which Amazon Keywords and then show those higher because we treat relevancy different than Google does. Relevancy = Sales.

The primary objective of Amazon is RPC (Revenue Per Customer) and the best way to achieve this is making the products you are most likely to buy the most visible.

So as you can see Amazon SEO is driven by Amazon Listing Optimization

Straightforward right?

Well, there is a lot more to it.

How Does Amazon SEO Work?

Amazon Search Engine Optimization boils down to 2 factors.

  1. Product Listing Factors
  2. Seller Account Factors

The 25 Amazon SEO Product Listing Factors:

Amazon SEO Factors:

1) Amazon BSR (Amazon Best Seller Rank)

Amazon BSR is your products’ sales rank on Amazon out of the total number of products in your category.

In short, it measures your sales velocity on Amazon compared to competitors and other products you may be measuring. You typically want to measure this metric over time vs. a competing product.

You’ve heard that old adage “it takes money to make money” yeah?

Well, as far as Amazon SEO goes, it takes sales to make sales.

Remember I mentioned CTS earlier?

Click To Sale is your conversion rate on Amazon. How many people are clicking on your listing and actually buying instead of leaving your listing or even worse, existing Amazon all together?

The more you improve your listing CTS (conversion rates), the better your Amazon BSR will be.

This is like a golf score, you want a lower number here. The better your BSR is, the higher your Amazon Product Listings will appear in search results.

2) Amazon Keywords

Okay, this first piece is important to understand. There is no extra benefit to repeating keywords throughout your listings on Amazon.

Back in the day in SEO, this used to be called keyword stuffing. In other words, repeating your keywords over and over in hopes that you appear higher in the search results.

  1. Select a set of Amazon keywords that are buyer intent keywords.
  2. Don’t repeat the same keywords over and over.
  3. Use a broad array of Amazon keywords.
  4. Use them in the Search Terms section of the back end of your listings on Amazon.
  5. Use them in the title.
  6. Use them in the bullet points.
  7. Use them in the long description.

Only repeat the Amazon keywords if it makes contextual sense in the product copy.

Okay, so we know we NEED keywords but how do we get them?

Amazon SEO Keywords Best Practices:

Well, there are lots of tools out there that will let you know what people are searching for on Amazon.

I recommend and use Merchant Words.

The idea behind tools like this is that they can tell you what people are searching for on Amazon when they want to buy your product.

You can use Amazon itself for FREE to identify what people are looking for.

Here’s how:

Amazon SEO Keyword Research PRO Tip:

  1. Go to the Amazon Search Field
  2. Start Entering an Amazon Keyword or Your Product
  3. Look at the Drop Down List

See those keywords? Amazon is telling you what people frequently search for to buy your product. Those are a great start in terms of selecting Amazon Keywords for Amazon Listing Optimization of your listings on Amazon.

3) Amazon Features and Bullet Points

How To Use Amazon Search Suggestions For Amazon SEO Keyword Research:

This is the bullet points section of your listings on Amazon.

See what’s going on here?

The Features / Bullet Points feature a lot of keywords related to the product, specific things the product has/does /includes and also SPEAKS to who it is for.

These product features/bullet points are also written in the vernacular, or terminology of how their customer would talk.

4) Amazon Product Description

For Amazon SEO, your product description is really where the rubber meets the road.

This is where you want to make sure you are thorough and really stick to the elements of a great product description, just like in all of eCommerce.

Here is what they are:

  • Benefit heavy, focusing on benefits over features.
  • Written how your target customer would normally talk
  • Skimmable
  • Captions, bullets, numbered lists
  • Includes Images
  • Technical specifications
  • Answers questions
  • Features

Again, there is no benefit to keyword stuffing in your listings on Amazon. As long as your Amazon keywords are in there at least once, you are in a good place for Amazon SEO.

Plus, keyword stuffing reduces conversions as it isn’t fluid and doesn’t sound like a human wrote it.

But it doesn’t stop here…

5) Brand and Manufacturer Part Number

Amazon SEO Friendly Product Description Best Practices:

So there is a lot of benefit in putting your manufacturer part number and the brand name of your product in your title.

Here is what I am talking about:

If you take away nothing else from writing effective Amazon Product Title’s for Amazon SEO, understand that placing your Brand in the product title is incredibly important and is a MUST DO.

  • Your product will be eligible for Amazon brand search filters
  • People search for specific brands on Amazon
  • You are telling Amazon what brand your product is

Registering your brand through Amazon Brand Registry will help improve your Amazon SEO through the brand prioritization and additional tools it affords to brand registered sellers.

As for manufacturer part number, depending on your niche this could be incredibly important.

Let’s say you are selling car parts or parts. People often read the part number off a manual or instructions and then search for that specifically.

This goes for a lot of industries and you want to broadcast this in the product title rather than burying it in your listing.

6) Specifications

Why To Add Your Brand In Your Product Title For Amazon SEO:

Remember earlier when we were searching for a red shoe? This is where you specify the important details that separate your product from others such as color, size, upc, weight, part numbers, etc.

Let’s have a look at the specifications for a top ranking welder.

Notice how every key detail is filled in?

This is where attention to detail and filling out every field really pays off.

I’ll tell you, a lot of manufacturers have a data organization problem meaning, they don’t have data feeds, or spreadsheets on the ready with all of this information for all of their products.

See the problem with that?

That means, when it comes to getting found, whether it be Amazon, Google or other marketplaces & sales channels they are at a disadvantage.

7) Category and Sub-Category

Now, getting as specific as possible with your category and sub-category on Amazon really makes a difference for Amazon SEO.

See how specific this welder gets with its product categories?

8) Amazon Search Terms

Did you know that there is a section on the back end of an Amazon listing where you can specify what search terms you want to be found for?

Well, there is. There are 5 boxes that allow 50 characters where you can enter the Amazon Keywords you choose based on your Amazon Keyword Research.

In actuality, you should use it like it were one long 250 character text entry box.

Remember earlier when we were talking about keyword stuffing = bad? Well, here it is GOOD, so enter as many Amazon keywords as will fit! It’s great for your Amazon SEO.

9) Amazon Source Keyword

This is really cool.

One of the factors Amazon determines on whether to rank your product vs. another product is Click Through Rate (just like Google!) and how well it converts (turns into a sale) for a given Amazon keyword.

In other words, this sequence of events happens:

  1. You go to Amazon and type in OnePlus 5T Case.
  2. You click on a case for your smartphone that you like.
  3. You buy that product.

You have just told Amazon to rank that particular product higher for OnePlus 5T Case.

Here’s how:

See this? keywords=oneplus+5t+case

That’s the URL for the search example I just gave you.

Did you know?

Take that one step farther and click on a product:

Amazon’s Choice (really great for Amazon SEO) is this product: keywords=oneplus+5t+case

See that?!

At the end of the URL are the keywords!

So wait, are you saying I should give out THAT link?

No, that could be seen as intent to game the system which violates Amazon’s terms of service.

I’m saying Amazon keeps track of what product listings convert for what keywords people enter into the Amazon search bar.

Do you want to know the best link you can give out?

The root URL.

See how that stops as the ASIN? That’s the link you want to give as it is the link to the root or main listing for your product listings on Amazon without modifiers.

You mentioned people clicking on my listing for certain keywords,

Is that important and how do I get them to do that?

10) Amazon Click Through Rate (CTR)

For people to buy your products, they need to click through to your listings on Amazon.

The number of people that see your listing vs. the number of people that actually click through is your CTR, click through rate.

So how can we make people click on our Amazon product listing?

11) Amazon Product Titles

Let’s have a look at one of the top listings for the search term “Inflatable Air Mattress”

Here is what we are looking at:

We can deduce they are trying to appear for:

  • Queen Size Luxury Raised Mattress
  • Best Inflatable Airbed With Built-In Pump
  • Elevated Raised Air Mattress Quilt Top

They are doing a great job of Amazon Listing Optimization by reducing buyer risk right out front in the product title by citing their 1-year guarantee. Good on them!

You want to make sure the product titles of your listings on Amazon have these attributes or qualities:

  • Appealing
  • Descriptive
  • Include a Brand Name
  • Include Manufacturer Part Numbers & Model Numbers as Necessary
  • Benefit Driven
  • Include The Amazon Keywords

12) Amazon Reviews

92% of consumers read online reviews.

You not only are after a high star rating but also the number of reviews.

It’s nigh impossible to get Amazon SEO results without strong Amazon Reviews.

Need help with this? I wrote an article called: How To Get Reviews on Amazon that takes a deep dive into how to get Amazon reviews with some highlights including the Amazon Request a Review Button.

Amazon Conversion Rate Optimization Tip:

Okay, now we have people on our listing. How do we sell to them?

The name of the game is to drive revenue for Amazon and they will reward you with visibility.

Once you have someone on your Amazon Product Listing, here are the factors that turn them into paying customers.

Amazon SEO Product Title Best Practices:

13) Amazon Product Images & Amazon Product Videos

There are a few components to successful Amazon product images but the thing to know for Amazon SEO is the magic number is 6.

Also, a few other items of note:

  • Images need to have an all-white background
  • Images need to be square and as for dimensions: 1,000 pixels wide by 1,000 pixels tall (1,000 x 1,000) in order to be zoomable.
  • If you can provide 3d product views that will significantly increase conversion rates
  • If you can provide videos that will also significantly increase conversion rates

Let’s look at that smartphone case example from earlier:

Their images illustrate the value, benefits & features of the product you are considering to buy.

They show the product flexing, they show the durability, they show the size, it describes the item and how it enhances & improves your experience with your OnePlus 5T.

Which behavioral economics tricks are going on here?

  • They are answering questions about the product in the imagery
  • They are objection handling in the product imagery
  • They are giving a frame of reference in the imagery
  • They are illustrating what the product looks like & feels like in the real world in use so you can picture yourself using it, therefore one step closer to a purchasing decision

You want your image to:

Amazon SEO Product Image Best Practices:

  • Illustrate what your product is, does and who it is for in about 1 seconds time
  • Illustrate the value or benefit your product gives
  • Have a white background

That being said, did you know you can pack EVEN MORE imagery into product listings by being Brand Registered on Amazon?

Brands that are a part of the Amazon Brand Registry have access to powerful selling tools that non-brand registered brands do not, such as:

These are immensely powerful conversion tools and as we know, the better your product listings convert, the better your Amazon product search rankings will be.

14) Product Listing Completeness

This part isn’t hard to wrap your head around. As you’re going through and creating your product listings on Amazon, complete as many sections as possible.

The more you have filled out, the better Amazon Listing Optimization you have.

Think of it this way, the more data you enter, the easier time Amazon has at figuring out who to show your product to.

15) Amazon Product Price

There is no way around this. The Amazon a9 algorithm keeps tabs on what products convert at what price and understands that people are shopping for good deals.

When browsing the first page of Amazon search results for any given Amazon keyword, you will notice some have great reviews, some have lots of reviews, some have higher prices and some have lower.

The idea is finding a mix of great reviews, lots of reviews and a low price. That’s the golden ticket.

Don’t meet all 3 criteria? Well, a drastically low price while you build your reviews will help you rank higher.

It will also help you get that buy box.

16) Amazon Parent-Child Products

Earlier in this article, I mentioned that scattered data in eCommerce is a bad thing. This is a way that Amazon deals with that.

Let’s look at the example of the phone case:

These are child products. The different colors of the case are not separate products all together with a different ASIN, rather they are child products of the parent product.

The idea here is that your different options are all listed on the same Amazon product listing for the benefit of:

  • Accruing all of your reviews in one place.
  • Keeping product data clean.
  • Letting Amazon know this is all the same product.
  • Letting customers know this is all the same product, just different colors.

17) Time on Page

Just as with Google, Amazon evaluates the time someone spends on your product listing and equates it to value and likelihood to buy.

So, time on Page is just that, how long a customer spends on a page before buying or bouncing (leaving — coming up in 18).

So what’s the idea? 2 things.

  1. You want the customer to stay on your listing and consume the content of your listing while evaluating to make a purchase. In other words, stay on your listing.
  2. Do not leave your listing. Buy.

18) Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is when someone visits your product listing and then leaves through one method or another. They could visit another product listing through an ad on your product listing, they could go back to the search bar and look for another product or something else; but the bottom line is, they leave.

Someone visiting your listing, not taking an action and leaving is a bad thing and negatively impacts your search visibility on Amazon.

19) Questions & Answers

Parent Child Variation Best Practices For Amazon SEO:

Don’t ignore these…

Amazon wants to make sure you are supporting your product and they evaluate questions and answers as part of their a9 algorithm in deciding on how high to show your product listing. So if you want your product to appear higher in Amazon product relate searches, then answer those questions!

You can mine your sales copy from your customers’ questions.

Time on Page For Amazon SEO:

Ingenius right? Well, your Amazon SEO future relies heavily on your Amazon past. Here is how:

Amazon SEO Seller Account Factors:

As far as Amazon SEO goes, Amazon isn’t going to rank products high from sellers that do not deliver on their promise to customers. You can optimize your product listings on Amazon all you like.

From the moment you step into the Amazon playing field, you are going to want to be cognizant of these next elements.

20) Amazon Seller Feedback

Did you know Amazon has more ratings other than simply product review ratings?

Seller feedback is crucial to your Amazon SEO because it is crucial to Amazon’s customer retention rate and revenue per customer.

Have a look:

Now, this isn’t as straightforward as you would think.

Amazon SEO Pro Tip:

We aren’t talking about winning the buy box here.

We’re talking Amazon SEO, so we’re looking at Negative Seller Feedback Rates. In other words, all negative feedback your seller account receives.

If you are a Vendor Central Seller, this will not be relevant here as Amazon purchases the inventory from you, stores it at their warehouses and fulfills to customers. They are the seller.

If you are a Seller Central Seller and selling via Amazon FBA or FBA Small and Light (Fulfillment By Amazon), you are in good shape as Seller Feedback on Prime eligible items is generally more favorable than Manufacturer Fulfillment as the customer is getting free 2-day shipping.

If you’re interested, I go more in-depth on Amazon FBA here: How Does Amazon FBA Work?

21) Order Processing Speed

If you’re a vendor central customer and you see those PO’s come in, you want to make them a priority.

Seller central customer? Then you want to prioritize fast shipping and handle orders efficiently.

Amazon makes a direct correlation between this and customer satisfaction, therefore, you should make a direct correlation between it and your Amazon search rankings.

22) In-Stock Rate

Pretty straightforward right? If you’re always out of stock or low on stock where the customer risks not getting their order, Amazon will not show you prominently to their customers.

Don’t risk this. Keep your stock levels proper.

23) Amazon Perfect Order Percentage (POP)

Amazon Perfect Order Percentage or Amazon POP is this in a nutshell:

  1. Customer clicks add to cart and checks out.
  2. A customer receives your product promptly.
  3. The product is EXACTLY what they order, not defective, no issues.
  4. The customer keeps the product and does not return it.

This is your POP or otherwise known as a flawless victory.

You can improve your Amazon POP by reducing buyer remorse with great packaging, inserts that explain what to do if a product isn’t exactly what they thought, and even tutorials or guides on how to best use your product as sometimes it is just a misunderstanding.

24) Amazon Order Defect Rate

Amazon ODR or Order Defect Rate takes into account these things:

  • A to Z Guarantee Claims
  • Shipment Problems
  • Order Defects
  • Credit Card Chargebacks

Staying on top of your customer service pays dividends in Amazon SEO.

But what if your listing is so bad they exit all together?

25) Amazon Exit Rate

Earlier we talked about Bounce Rate and leaving a listing. This is hitting eject on the whole thing and leaving entirely. That’s not good.

Just with any platform, the time on platform and engagement on the platform are a BIG DEAL.

Amazon Perfect Order Percentage Looks Like This:

It’s one thing in the customer’s journey to open up another tab in chrome and have a look at your company website, social media & such while browsing your Amazon listing. That is called a healthy and normal customer journey. Your off Amazon factors influencing Amazon success.


Being so dissatisfied that they leave Amazon all together is not ideal and they measure this by your Amazon Exit Rate.

Amazon SEO Pro Tip To Improve Amazon POP:

How To Use Amazon Keywords

This is how to use Amazon keywords to show up at the top of Amazon search results.

There are a few things to know before we begin the step by step guide:

How Amazon Keywords Work:

  • Repeating keywords doesn’t help
  • A keyword only needs to appear once to be indexed for it
  • This goes for anywhere on your listing, front end or back end
  • Place your most important keywords at the front of your Title, then Bullet Points, then A+ Content, then Search Terms & Subject Matter
  • Name all of your A+ Content Images with keywords

1) Run Your Top Competitors Through A Keyword Tool To Identify The Keywords Sending Them Sales

Identify your top 3 competitors.

Then, run their listings through tools that tell you EXACTLY what keywords are driving customers to their listings and also what they’re running ads on.

I recommend Scope by Seller Labs.

This is what you do:

  1. Go to the listing
  2. Click on the Scope button in the lower right-hand portion of your screen.
  3. Check out the bounty of keywords that are driving their sales
  4. Now, take them for yourself by clicking on KEYWORDS.CSV

Repeat this step for the top 5 competitors that show up at the top of Amazon search results.

2) Create Your List of Amazon Keywords To Use

Now, create a giant list of keywords from those CSV files.

You’ll have something like this:

Go through the list and remove any that don’t make sense for your product.

Now, this is important:

These are also the keywords you’ll be running manual advertising campaigns on.

So, make sure you have a copy of these as they are now before we go any further as we’ll be editing them further to use as Amazon SEO keywords.

3) Remove Duplicates and Narrow Your Keywords Down To 500 Characters

You’re not just removing duplicate phrases, but words.

To enter keywords on the back end of Amazon, you’re looking to trim things down to 500 characters.

250 characters for Search Terms


250 characters for Subject Matter

This is how you do it:

  1. Use this free tool from Trace My IP.
  2. Paste in your list from your CSV
  3. Click Original Order
  4. Copy your string of keywords

Now it’s time to trim them down even further.

  1. Head to
  2. Paste in your string from Trace My Ip
  3. Start trimming until you’re down to 500 characters.

You’ll have something like this:

Now you’re ready to start entering keywords on the back end of Amazon in Subject Matter and Search Terms.

4) Enter Your Keywords Into Search Terms and Subject Matter In Seller Central or Vendor Central

This is what’s important to know about how to use Amazon keywords in the back end of Amazon.

How Amazon Keywords Work In The Back End of Amazon:

  • Amazon Platinum Keywords don’t count for you if you’re not a Platinum Seller
  • Don’t bother with them
  • You get 250 characters to use in Search Terms
  • You also get 250 characters to use in Subject Matter
  • Subject Matter is broken into 5 inputs that accept 50 characters each
  • This is a total of 500 characters you get to use
  • Use spaces to separate keywords
  • Do not use commas ,
  • Don’t use misspellings
  • Don’t use other brand names that are not your own
  • Don’t worry about plural vs singular

This is what you are going to do:

  1. Edit your product in Seller Central Manage My Inventory
  2. Head to the Keywords tab
  3. Scroll down to Subject Matter and click the Add More button underneath the field.
  4. Repeat this until you have 5 fields available to you
  5. Paste in your keywords, 50 characters at a time to each line until you’ve filled up the 5 lines of 250 characters
  6. Next, enter the remaining 250 characters into Search Terms
  7. Save, you’re all set!

You will have something like this:

After you’ve saved, give it 15 minutes or so and then you can check to see if you’re indexed yet for the keywords.

How To Check If You Are Indexed For Your Amazon SEO Keywords For FREE

Now that you’ve entered in all of those keywords, you’re going to want to make sure you’re indexed for your Amazon SEO Keywords.

This is how to do it:

  1. Head to the Amazon Marketplace (the front end of Amazon)
  2. Make sure your category drop-down selection is all.
  3. Enter in your ASIN then a space and then your keyword you want to check (EXAMPLE: B07Q7T6VC3 survival)
  4. Hit enter

If you’re indexed, you will see an Amazon search results page with just your product.

It will look like this:

4) Enter Your Keywords Into Search Terms and Subject Matter In Seller Central or Vendor Central

If you don’t see it right away, give it another 15 minutes or so.

How Amazon Keywords Work In The Back End of Amazon:

Indexing isn’t like it is on Google.

You’re indexed within minutes on Amazon.

If you still don’t see it after then, verify you’ve completed the steps on how to use Amazon keywords correctly.

Or, Amazon does not believe you are relevant for the keywords you are targeting and it will take some time to make yourself relevant.

This is done through a combination of tactics that we’ve talked about in this article such as:

  • OFF Amazon Traffic
  • Building a Buzz off of Amazon
  • The 19 Product Listing Account Factors
  • The 6 Seller Account Factors

Having great products and not selling is agonizing, but dominating competitors and selling through inventory is intensely gratifying.

If you need help with anything you’ve read here, I’m a top-rated Amazon Consultant & eCommerce Consultant with 10+ years of experience.

I can make eCommerce your strength to get you where you want to go quicker & easier.

  • There are 25 factors that go into your search visibility on Amazon.
  • Amazon SEO is MUCH more than just entering keywords into a listing.
  • Make sure you have rich, quality listings full of content, specifications, features & benefits as well as great images.
  • Leverage Amazon Influencers with tools like Referazon to send traffic from OFF of Amazon ONTO Amazon.
  • Pick buyer intent keywords.
  • Do not keyword stuff.
  • Focus on your seller feedback.
  • Focus on getting as many great reviews as possible.
  • Answer questions on your listings!

Originally published at



Tanner Rankin
The Source Approach

Top-Rated Amazon Consultant & eCommerce Consultant | 10+ Years Experience | Author, Speaker, Founder of &