How To Use Amazon Keywords

Tanner Rankin
The Source Approach
8 min readMar 1, 2020


To say the right keywords make or break you on Amazon is an understatement.

Amazon keywords work for your Amazon listing optimization in 2 ways.

  1. Indexing
  2. Relevancy

When you are indexed for a keyword, that means you appear on Amazons 1st page of search results, 25th page of search results and anywhere in between.

To get indexed by optimizing an Amazon listing, all you need to do is place the keyword somewhere once on the Amazon listing either front end or back end.

Where To Place Amazon Keywords To Optimize An Amazon Listing:

(* in order of importance)

  1. Amazon Product Title
  2. Amazon Bullet Point Description
  3. Amazon A+ Content
  4. Amazon Search Terms (tie)
  5. Amazon Subject Matter (tie)

Then, there is the other side of the Amazon product listing optimization visibility equation.

Relevancy pertains to how likely Amazon’s algorithm thinks your product will be in matching a customer search AND resulting in a sale.

Relevancy directly impacts:

  1. How visible you will be in Amazon Product Search Results. (Amazon SEO)
  2. How visible you will be in Amazon Ads
  3. How much you will pay in Amazon Ads PPC

In other words, the more likely you are to result in a sale and match what the customer searched for, the more visible you will be and the less you will pay to be seen.

How To Optimize An Amazon Listing With Keywords For Relevancy:

(* in order of importance)

  • Build a buzz OFF of Amazon around your subject matter (Amazon monitors this closely with Alexa)
  • Send traffic from OFF of Amazon ONTO Amazon
  • Amazon Influencers have been great at this for brands since 1996.
  • Use the keyword in your Amazon Product Title
  • Use the keyword in your Amazon Bullet Point Description
  • Use the keyword Amazon A+ Content
  • Use the keyword in Amazon Search Terms (tie)
  • Use the keyword in Amazon Subject Matter (tie)

Using the keywords is only part of the story though.

How do you find Amazon Keywords to optimize your Amazon listing?

How To Find Amazon Keywords To Optimize an Amazon Listing:

There are primarily 3 methods to find Amazon keywords to optimize your Amazon listing.


Here’s how it works:

Step 1) Head to and start typing in a keyword that you think customers would use to find your product.

See the drop-down list with those keywords?

Those are buyer intent keywords.

Those are the keywords that Amazon has identified that:

  • Get a lot of searches
  • Get a lot of sales

Those are the keywords you want on your listings and also to run ads on.

Step 2) Head into an Amazon Listing itself and review the title, bullet point descriptions, reviews, questions & answers.

You will want to look at what keywords your competitors are using and also what keywords your customers are using in reviews as well as questions and answers.

Speaking how your target customer does is incredibly important and also happens to be a great way to get a good Amazon sales rank.

If sifting through listings and trying to figure out your competitors’ strategy seems time-consuming and difficult, you’re not alone and luckily you don’t have to do it.

So, there is good news.


The good news is, there are tools that make finding out the keywords your competitors are getting sales from as simple as a click of a button.

Plus, they barely cost anything at all.

The first one I use is Scope by Seller Labs.

Look at how simple this is.

STEP 1) Head to your top competitors Amazon listing and click the SCOPE button in the lower right-hand corner and then click KEYWORD CSV.

That’s it… it’s really that simple.

You now have ALL of the keywords your competitor is indexed for and running ads on.

It gets better though.


If you’re not familiar with buyer intent keywords, also known as commercial keywords, you will really enjoy this section.

Brian Dean over at Backlinko has a great article about commerical intent keywords.

But in short, there are:

  • Research Keywords:
  • These are the types of keywords people type in when they want to learn what their options are.
  • EXAMPLE: iPhone Case
  • Buyer Intent Keywords:
  • These are the types of keywords people type in when they know what they want and are ready to buy, but they are looking for the best fit. The next click they make will be a purchase.
  • EXAMPLE: Clear Gel Anti Scratch iPhone Case For iPhone 10
  • NOTE: Notice how much more specific this example was?

These hyper-specific types of keywords will not only be your most profitable in ads, but also your most powerful SEO keywords for Amazon listing optimization.

Digging around on Amazon for hours to get these can be like trying to vacuum a beach, but luckily it doesn’t have to be.

Keyword Dominator gives you buyer intent keywords instantly.

Here’s how easy it is:

STEP 1) Simply log into Keyword Dominator and enter in a keyword that people would use to find your product and hit enter.

That’s it… look at all of those buyer intent keywords!

Sort out any that don’t make sense for your product and then add them to your listing and run ads on them.

It really is this simple.

But, how do you add them to the back end of your listing?

How To Enter Amazon Keywords On The Back End of Amazon To Optimize Your Amazon Listing

By now, you’ll have a giant list of keywords.

It will look something like this:

Now, this is important:

These are also the keywords you’ll be running manual advertising campaigns on.

So, make sure you have a copy of these as they are now before we go any further as we’ll be editing them for Amazon product listing optimization.

1) Remove Duplicates and Narrow Your Keywords Down To 500 Characters

You’re not just removing duplicate phrases, but words.

To enter keywords on the back end of Amazon, you’re looking to trim things down to 500 characters.

250 characters for Search Terms


250 characters for Subject Matter

This is how you do it:

  1. Use this free tool from Trace My IP.
  2. Paste in your list from your CSV
  3. Click Original Order
  4. Copy your string of keywords

Now it’s time to trim them down even further.

  1. Head to
  2. Paste in your string from Trace My Ip
  3. Start trimming until you’re down to 500 characters.

You’ll have something like this:

Now you’re ready to start entering keywords on the back end of Amazon in Subject Matter and Search Terms.

BONUS: Make The Amazon Listing Optimization Process Even Easier

The folks at Jungle Scout have a listing builder tool just for Amazon product listing optimization.

Here is how it works:

STEP 1) Find Keywords To Optimize Your Amazon Listing

Jungle Scout has a Keyword tool similar to Scope that helps you find out what keywords to use for your listings and to run ads for.

You would start by finding some Keywords in Jungle Scout.

This is what it looks like:

STEP 2) Build a list of keywords you want to optimize your Amazon listing with.

Repeat the first step a few times and build up a robust list of keywords.

Then, you can import keywords into your list that you already have, such as from Keyword Dominator.

Then, add them to a Keyword List for that product.

It will look like this:

Once you have your list, you will want to build your listing.

STEP 3) Build your listing.

Here, you can easily keep track of the keywords that you’ve used on your listing in the Title, Bullet Point Description, Search Terms, Subject Matter & more.

It looks like this:

Then you’re done!

The next step in Amazon listing optimization is to enter those keywords into the back end of your Amazon listing.

2) Enter Your Keywords Into Search Terms and Subject Matter In Seller Central or Vendor Central

This is what’s important to know about how to use Amazon keywords in the back end of Amazon to optimize your Amazon listing.

How Amazon Keywords Work In The Back End of Amazon

  • Amazon Platinum Keywords don’t count for you if you’re not a Platinum Seller
  • Don’t bother with them
  • You get 250 characters to use in Search Terms
  • You also get 250 characters to use in Subject Matter
  • Subject Matter is broken into 5 inputs that accept 50 characters each
  • This is a total of 500 characters you get to use
  • Use spaces to separate keywords
  • Do not use commas ,
  • Don’t use misspellings
  • Don’t use other brand names that are not your own
  • Don’t worry about plural vs singular

This is what you are going to do:

  1. Edit your product in Seller Central Manage My Inventory
  2. Head to the Keywords tab
  3. Scroll down to Subject Matter and click the Add More button underneath the field.
  4. Repeat this until you have 5 fields available to you
  5. Paste in your keywords, 50 characters at a time to each line until you’ve filled up the 5 lines of 250 characters
  6. Next, enter the remaining 250 characters into Search Terms
  7. Save, you’re all set!

You will have something like this:

Hit save and you’re all set!



Tanner Rankin
The Source Approach

Top-Rated Amazon Consultant & eCommerce Consultant | 10+ Years Experience | Author, Speaker, Founder of &