What’s The Best Type of Amazon Influencer?

Tanner Rankin
The Source Approach
4 min readMar 27, 2020

What Is The Best Type of Amazon Influencer?

The answer to this question is simple.

Anyone can run Amazon.com through fancy SEO software and see where it gets the majority of its traffic and referrals from.

The results may surprise you, as Instagram isn’t even close.

The Best Type of Amazon Influencers:

  1. Blogs / Media Outlets / Publications
  2. YouTube
  3. Twitch
  4. Medium
  5. Facebook
  6. Pinterest
  7. Twitter
  8. Instagram

In my experience, you want to think about it like this.

  1. On which platforms is it the easiest to share links and click on links?
  2. What platforms have the best content that shows up the most prominently when customers are searching for a product, to solve a problem, to answer a question, to get ideas, etc.?
  3. What platforms have evergreen content, where my product will be featured year-round in perpetuity rather than on a social media post that is gone in a few hours?

The answer to that is:

  • Blogs
  • YouTube
  • Media Outlets
  • Publications
  • Medium
  • Pinterest

That being said, as your friendly neighborhood Amazon Consultant I feel obligated to tell you that the biggest challenge I hear from smaller and medium-sized brands is this:

“I’ve had influencers on social media mention me and I didn’t see my sales increase.”

If this sounds like you, I’m sorry but you’ve been doing it wrong.

Think about it this way.

Let’s pretend I sell an Avacado Pitting Tool.

Which of these scenarios seems like it would be more effective at driving Amazon sales?

Scenario 1:

  • You’re on Instagram scrolling through your news feed.
  • Maybe you eat Avacado’s.
  • Maybe you don’t.
  • Maybe you know how difficult it is to pit an Avacado and struggle with it often.
  • Maybe it’s no big deal to you.
  • You see a post from a food Influencer which shows you a picture of an Avacado Pitting Tool and then says to check it out.
  • You either don’t care, aren’t in the market at the point in time that you see this, or you do care, but since it’s Instagram, there is no link to click on to check out the product.

Scenario 2:

  • You just dropped your Avacado on the floor for the 5th time in a row trying to get the pit out.
  • You say to yourself: “There has to be a better way.”
  • You hop on your phone and go straight to Google or YouTube. (The #1 and #2 search engines in the world.)
  • You type in: “How to pit an Avacado” or “The best way to get the pit out of an Avacado” or “Easiest way to pit an Avacado”
  • You click on a video or an article titled: “This Is How To Easily Pit An Avacado”
  • In the video or blog post, you see someone using an Avacado Pitting Tool and they explain how it has changed their life, saves them time and helps them enjoy their Avacados without stressing.
  • In the article or description of the video, there is an easy link to click on to get that exact tool right now.
  • You click on the link, head to Amazon, buy the tool and 2 days later, you enjoy Avacados more than you ever have in your life.

Obviously Scenario 2 is the winner.

Here’s why:

If I’m selling an Avacado Pitting Tool, Scenario 2 is superior because I’m getting featured on content that shows up in front of potential customers at the exact moment when they are looking to buy something.

This scenario exists for quite literally every niche imaginable.

There is endless content out there that:

  • Solves pain points
  • Answers Questions
  • Fulfills Desires
  • Educates

This is the content that does the best job at selling.

What’s more?

This decreases your ACoS, improves your Amazon SEO and will increase sales on Amazon.

Plus, you will be supporting your Amazon Listing Optimization efforts as well.

So if you want a quicker path to Amazon Sales AND Awareness, you want Amazon Influencers who have content driving sales right now on Blogs and YouTube videos.

Here is another example of an Amazon Influencer:

That is a seasoned Amazon Affiliate that knows how to sell things.

That article title could have been called “Food Blender Review” but instead…they used a classic pre-sale technique called pre-framing.

By the time you enter the article, you already feel like this product is a game-changer because the title framed it as such.

Before you even read a word, you are in the “frame” of mind that this product is awesome and it’s only $30.

Plus, they wrote a title that Google loves and so do readers. Very click-worthy. It is a great, compelling title.

Well done Real Simple, here’s a link!

Do you see the power in that? That’s massive awareness AND sales all in one.

That’s where you want to be if quicker pathways to sales are what you’re after.



Tanner Rankin
The Source Approach

Top-Rated Amazon Consultant & eCommerce Consultant | 10+ Years Experience | Author, Speaker, Founder of www.referazon.com & www.sourceapproach.com