Space Ape Games @ Games UX Summit

The Space Ape Games Experience


I’m really excited to be attending this years Games UX Summit in Toronto next week.

I’m looking forward to catching up and trading tips & tricks with some of the world’s best UI and UX Designers as well as the awesome line up organised by the conference organisers.

Some of the speakers that I’m most looking forward to seeing include:

•Raph Koster, Legendary Games Writer
•Alexandria Neonakis, Naughty Dog
•Ellie Moon, Kabam
•David Candland , Bungie

I’ll be sure to update blog on my return with some of my learnings.

If you are attending and world like to meet up to swaps notes or even find out about our open positions including UX/UI Designer, just tweet @iamadamsullivan to arrange a meet-up.

See you there!



The Space Ape Games Experience

UI & UX Designer Space Ape Games responsible for Samurai Siege, Rival Kingdoms and Transformers: Earth Wars.