Essence of Learning

Hui Huang
TheSparkOne Network
3 min readOct 3, 2018

We are happy to share our vision with TheSparkOne community on how we imagine to create impact on the future of learning — A journey to mastery.

Gain confidence & joy through a new kind of learning and teaching economy.

1 — The Joy of Learning

Think about a time when you had a particularly excellent learning experience… How did you feel? What makes the difference between an exceptional experience and a not-so-good experience? These are the questions that triggered (or sparked 😉) TheSparkOne team to embark on our project. After talking with family, friends, colleagues, and even some kids, I realized that everyone has their own unique learning story, but it all has this beautiful state called “enjoyed”. Somehow, there is a magic power being transferred or built up in ourselves when we reach the point where we say “I Get It”, “I Know it”, or “I Found it”.

Marva Collins once said:
When someone is taught the joy of learning, it becomes a life-long process that never stops, a process that creates a logical individual. That is the challenge and joy of teaching.”

I absolutely love and connect with this quote. This is a driving force for us at TheSparkOne, we want to bring joy back into learning and teaching.

2 — The Proof of Learning

Another focus for us is the state of learning is called “Learned”. This is such an interesting state — people may say something to the effect of “I’ve learned that before”. What exactly do they mean by that? We want to know more about this, investigate it further.

That means:

you have heard about it, read about it or watch videos…
you can explain it clearly to others…
you can reason based on what I learned…
you can practice something…
you can solve problems…
you can create something…

The list can go on and on.We do believe we need some testing or proof that we achieve those milestones authentically. Do they like certificates or credentials? Or they could be different approaches for different levels like playing games? If you are interested, please join us on re-imagine and define together.

3 — The Habit of Learning

Assume that you felt great while learning, you have gone through tests and received your certificates. Is that true that you will stop learning then? I hope you will not. The world has become more connected, smarter, and sharing. We need to realize that we are not just living in abundance of information, but abundance of things to learn and explore! It is not about what you learn or it is not about how you learn. And the truth is to practice a healthy learning habit and become a confident learner.

Learning shouldn’t be one-time.
Learning shouldn’t be just-in-time.
Learning is self-driven and intentional; it is your habit and lifestyle.

Start with ended mind and understand where you are, dive in, explore and practice. You only can be confident and strong while you actually go on the journey and work toward where you want to go.


Overall, these are 3 perspectives we explored to re-imagine mainly from learners perspective. We want to challenge ourselves to propose and build a new kind of learning economy — Truly help learners to achieve joy, proof and habit through learning. If we pursue this path, we may discover the essence of learning and truly build up our confidence to enter the future together.

Let us know if this vision resonates with you.
You can say hello at or sign up in our website

Let’s enter the future with confidence together.



Hui Huang
TheSparkOne Network

Founder, CEO & Architect of TheSparkOne Network — An unstoppable collaboration network that motivates and guides you and your team to move spark forward.