Meet Early Member — Jinxin Hu

An Interview with Junior Data Scientist Intern — Jinxin Hu

Yinyin Lu
TheSparkOne Network
3 min readNov 13, 2019


Written by Ransom Kong

Jinxin is the Junior Data Scientist Intern at TheSparkOne. He used the word ‘cool’ quite a lot which describes Jinxin. He loves the international flavor of the team which hails from California, Arizona, Hawaii, China, India, and France among other places. He also is very adept in many things technical which is maybe why he likens himself to a seabird that can thrive in two environments.

How were you introduced to TheSparkOne project?

I met Hui at an activity and thought that it was cool. I said I wanted to join the project. We talked every month then every two weeks to talk about the project; especially the data scientist aspect of the project.

What does a data scientist do?

We are involved in deep learning, machine learning. We analyze data and get some information. We have algorithms that give us feedback for what you want. For example, we can recommend your Twitter account and find similar behaviors or likes from others compared to you. We have a software program that does this. A simple way of explaining this is we ask the question, analyze the data, and give the result.

What are some of your duties?

I’m researching and developing the recommendation system using algorithms and big data.

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

Let me think about it. I think I would be one type of bird that can go into the water and also fly. You can go to wherever you want. I don’t remember the type of bird that can do this but it is pretty cool.

What will people be saying in five years in social media about TheSparkOne project?

People will be saying to go to TheSparkOne site to create because they will timestamp and validate your project. They will be able to intellectualize your property. We call this Proof of Spark.

What are some challenges that TheSparkOne project faces?

I just mentioned that The proof of spark is the most challenging. If we can do that perfect, we will have a great project. We are research blockchain certificates and IP related ideas for project.

What activities or Hobbies do you enjoy?

I love swimming, camping, reading a book. I love communicating with people.

What is your inspiration for working with TheSparkOne project?

It’s really interesting. The creativity. The Proof of Spark will be pretty popular in the world, I think. I really want to build some things on the first and second layer. It’s pretty cool that we can share the ideas and it becomes valuable.

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