Meet Early Member — Zihua He

An Interview with Junior DevOps Engineer Intern: Zihua He

Yinyin Lu
TheSparkOne Network
2 min readNov 13, 2019


Written by Ransom Kong

Zihua appreciates projects with a big vision and immediately connected TheSpark.One project at a very early time.

How were you introduced to TheSparkOne project?

I met the founder, Hui Huang, through a college classmate. He was already involved and he sparked my interest in the project. I asked if there were any possibilities that I could be involved. So we had a conversation with Hui who talked me through the vision and basic concepts.

What piqued your interest about the project?

It was a chance to start in a blockchain project. Blockchain & Web 3.0 is next wave of internet. I would like to learn and gain hands-on experience in blockchain oriented project.

What is your current role in TheSparkOne project?

My primary role is Junior DevOps Engineer. I’m involved in Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous deployment. I work with development team together on building automated procedures to accelerate software testing and deployment. We also participate architecting infrastructure design together.

In five years, what will the world community be sharing on social media sites about TheSparkOne project?

When they have an inspiration of ideas, they will come to our platform to log it. We have community to engage collaboration easily and our proof-of-spark will build up history of creation journey.

Do you have prior experience in this industry?

I worked in the cyber security field so when I found out how blockchain can enhance security, I was very interested. No matter local community or online community, you can always get help or contribute helps to others. It is open and active.

What is something that most people don’t know about you?

I moved here from China about four years ago. I have travelled extensively to many states of the US. I have visited the east and west coasts and the south. I loved hiking in nature of many of these places.

If you were your favorite animal, what would be and why?

Funny, the first thing that came to my mind was an elephant. I don’t why. Maybe it is the biggest land creature. It is dominant in the jungle. I think very big.

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