Breakout Startups for 2020 by Xpo Network

The Spectrum
Published in
7 min readDec 30, 2019

About Xpo

Xpo is a talent network built for Engineers by Engineers. We help ambitious engineers find breakout companies to work by researching startups from them.

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Why We Started Writing Breakout Startups

Here’s what Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, told Sheryl Sandberg when she was hunting for a job,

Get on a rocket ship. When companies are growing quickly and they are having a lot of impact, careers take care of themselves. And when companies aren’t growing quickly or their missions don’t matter as much, that’s when stagnation and politics come in. If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on.

Sheryl has a knack of finding rocketships. First, she found Google, then helped Facebook become a “mature company”.

However, finding a rocketship company is not easy. It usually requires two things(As Naval Ravikant says)s:-

  1. Research
  2. Networking

Out of these two points, Networking has become relatively easier with the advent of Twitter.

It’s the research that matters.

Breakout Startups Is an attempt to solve for research catering to people who want to get in on rocketships.

Andy Rachleff, Cofounder of Benchmark & Wealthfront, says something similar,

I prefer to see them take their first jobs after graduation at midsized companies with momentum, not startups, because they are the companies most likely to be big successes.

How do you find startups with momentum? How do you find startups that are doubling employees every year? How do you find startups who are growing at the speed of a rocketship YoY?

How do you define a Breakout Startup?

A Breakout Startup is something which is growing fast and fits into any of these descriptions-

  • It’s at the forefront of a growing industry. Example; Webflow, Zapier
  • It’s disrupting the normal way of doing things. Example; Superhuman, Mercury
  • It’s building an entirely new thing for the Internet and is growing fast. Example; Fast.

So far, we have covered over 25 startups who are doing stuff ranging from making Bitcoin Decentralization to competing with industry heavyweights such as JIRA.

Here are some of our favorite startups 👇


Superhuman is the fastest email experience ever made. It’s what Gmail would be if it were built today, not 15 years ago.

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Substack is building a subscription platform for independent writers to publish newsletters.

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Linear is an issue tracking tool aiming to replace JIRA.

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Mercury is disrupting banking for startups.

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Retool enables you to build internal tools in minutes instead of hours.

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Fast is planning to eliminate passwords on the Internet.

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Clarisights is helping marketers make sense of data in a beautiful manner.

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The Startup solving Bitcoin Centralization

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The Startup building the future of API first software.

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The tool helping you automate all the things

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The startup building the Netflix of Education


The company building the OS for Employee Management

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The startup aiming to replace the Microsoft Powerpoint

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The product taking over the Podcast Community.

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The company disrupting the document.

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The Startup which brought Google Docs-like Collaboration to the Design Process

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The Number 1 Push Notification service for Websites and Mobile apps.

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The company that heralded the No-Code Revolution.

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GitLab is an open-core billion-dollar company 850 Member company without an HQ.

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Notion is an all-in-one workplace app aiming to become the hub for all knowledge work.

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Clearbit is aiming to become AWS for Data.

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If Slack is Goliath, Mattermost is David.

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Odoo is an open-sourced competitor to SAP and perhaps the most underrated open core company out there.

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Over the last few months, we have got some amazing love from our audience and we couldn’t be more grateful for that 😄

Not just this, we also got to Front Page of Hacker News twice and that was perhaps our breakout moment 😄

Closing the loop, we are going to be launching more exciting things in the coming months and I recommend staying updated with it by subscribing to Breakout Startups.

What would you like to see in Breakout Startups in 2020? Let us know by tweeting to us at @Xpo_Network

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