Launching The Unlearning Podcast.

Prashant Choubey
The Spectrum


To be knowledgeable, learn new things every day; to be wise, unlearn things that you learn with wit and love.

-Debashish Mridha

Unlearning, as a term and concept, has lately started to gather steam. Though there are still many who don’t know of unlearning as a concept. So before diving into this post, I feel it would only be right to clear that out first.

What is unlearning?

If we go by the Google definition, here’s what it says:

To Discard (something learned, especially a bad habit or false or outdated information) from one’s memory.

Now to make you understand it better, we’ll take the help of an interesting analogy.

An analogy is a thought with another thought’s hat on.

-Gillian Jacobs

Unlearning is like, forgetting your ex while entering a new relationship. It is important, because if you approach this new relationship based on your past experiences with some other person, then even this new relationship is bound to fail.

Starting with a completely fresh slate is important to make it work. Your past memories/experiences here go against the purpose. As it is clearly evident, from the above weird analogy. At times unlearning is important to make something work.

The skill of supreme importance in the present times is unlearning. Unlearning the established notions, beliefs, even skills. This new age will require a whole new mentality, a mentality which is conducive to the idea of unlearning.

The idea of giving up something on which one might have worked hard on. It is definitely not easy to absorb and accept.

To help you get this new skill of unlearning, Bridge Academy is coming with it’s podcast called "The Unlearning Podcast".

The primary aim of this podcast will be to talk to people who are good at this skill of unlearning- they can be dropouts, startup founders, or just anyone insightful enough to help us get this skill of unlearning.

Here are the links to the different platforms our podcast is available on, do leave a subscribe to be notified as and when a new episode is dropped.



Google Podcasts



Radio Public

Don’t forget to subscribe. Happy Unlearning!

Thanks to Adam Breckler!

