Top Remote Blockchain Startups to Work at

Ankit Kumar Singh
The Spectrum
Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2019

What are the things that we are hearing more and more of on the Tech Twitter everyday?

  1. Lambda School
  2. Superhuman
  3. Remote Work
  4. Naval Ravikant
  5. Bitcoin

We will discuss the other things someday else, let’s talk about Remote Work today.


And the companies which are dangerously driving this narrative forward are Blockchain Startups.

  1. Blockstack
  2. Lightning Labs
  3. Decred
  4. Zeppelin
  5. Consensys
  6. Aragon
  7. Casa
  8. Coinbase

Now, let’s explore each of these com one by one:-


Blockstack is a decentralized computing network that puts users in control of their data and login. It’s the easiest way to build decentralized apps that can scale. The platform enables engineers to build secure, privacy-focused applications: users are in control of their data instead of storing it with large tech companies.

Over 150 independent developer teams have built apps on the platform so far.

NOTE: Few days back, SEC approved a $28 million Reg A+ offering for STACKS Token making it the first regulated token offering in the history.

Jobs at Blockstack

Lightning Labs

Lightning is a decentralized network using smart contract functionality in the blockchain to enable instant, high volume transactions across a network of participants.

Here’s what the company is working on right now:-

  1. Instant Payments:- Lightning-fast blockchain payments without worrying about block confirmation times.
  2. Scalability:- Capable of millions to billions of transactions per second across the network.
  3. Low Cost Transactions:- By transacting and settling off-blockchain, Lightning allows for very low fees, which allows for emerging use cases such as instant micropayments.
  4. Cross Blockchains:- Cross-chain atomic swaps can occur off-chain instantly, enabling instant transactions between blockchains without custodial risk.

Jobs at Lightning Network:


Decred’s vision is to build a self-directed, decentralized future ruled by the collective intelligence of the community. It will be built upon the pillars of sovereignty, transparency, inclusivity, privacy, and security.

Anyone can can vote on the rules and project-level decision making proportionately to their stake, yielding decisions and policies in the best interest of all.

Learn More:

Jobs at Decred:


Image result for Zeppelin blockchain

Zeppelin builds core infrastructure and performs security audits for decentralized systems that power multi-million dollar economies.

Founded in 2015, Zeppelin has developed the industry security standards for architecting and deploying smart contract systems in public blockchains.

More Details Here:

Jobs at Zeppelin:


ConsenSys is a blockchain venture production studio building decentralized applications, mostly on Ethereum. The Ethereum giant in making is currently building foundational tools for emerging business models in the cryptocurrency or Bitcoin 2.0 space. These tools will be packaged into separate ventures that are individually funded and skinned for different business niches.

Check out all the stuff they are working on here:-

Jobs at Consensys


Image result for aragon blockchain

Aragon lets you manage entire organizations using the blockchain. This makes Aragon organizations are more efficient than their traditional counterparties.

They are making it possible for everyone in the world to organize, we are enabling the borderless, permissionless creation of value.

The Aragon Network (AN) will be the first DAO whose goal is to act as a digital jurisdiction that makes it extremely easy and friendly for organizations, entrepreneurs and investors to operate.

The Aragon Network has its own token, ANT, which will be used to govern every single aspect of its functioning.

Jobs at Aragon


Casa is the best personal key system on the planet.

One of the greatest promises of blockchains is the ability to give people back control of their own money — to “be their own bank”. However, individuals today don’t have the necessary tools to shoulder the responsibility that comes with the promise of fully owning their money. The largest barrier to adoption of cryptocurrency is the ability for people to feel safe using it, and we’re tackling that problem head-on.

At Casa, the company is developing secure personal key management systems that help you keep your cryptocurrency and cryptoassets safe.

NOTE: The company’s CTO is Jameson Lopp, one of the most influential cyberpunks in the space.

Jobs at Casa:


Founded in June of 2012, Coinbase is a digital currency wallet and platform where merchants and consumers can transact with new digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

In the last round of funding, Coinbase was valued at $8B and is one of the companies spearheading the Crypto Revolution.

Jobs at Coinbase

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