23 reasons I’m impatiently waiting for autumn to arrive

Charley Wicks
The Spill
Published in
5 min readAug 8, 2017

A couple of years ago I wrote about reasons to get excited about winter and it was a huge hit. I think it was the most shared post on my little personal blog, ever. So I figured since I’m getting really antsy about waiting for autumn, I’d get posting about the reasons why I want it to just bloody turn up already.

1// Thick tights and ankle boots and circle scarves. The fashion is just the best in autumn, no contest. It’s all about feeling warm and dry and there’s absolutely no pressure to have tanned anything. Oh, and you can get away with not shaving your legs from this point so it’s a win for everyone.

2// Hedgehogs start snuffling about a bit more because they’re getting ready for winter hibernation. The poor little pricklies are endangered in the UK, so autumn is our chance to look out for them and spot if any diddy ones need some extra food to stock up for winter. Here’s how you can help hedgehogs.

3// My lizard queen tendencies mean I’m usually wrapped in a scarf or jumper in the office — even through summer. So when autumn arrives, people stop giving me funny looks for being a floating head covered in tartan acrylic.

4// Clogs. I don’t know why autumn suddenly means I want to dig out my Lottas but there you go.

5// An excuse to stay indoors. If you know me, you’re already aware of just how lazy I am. Being indoors is my favourite, so if I can blame the shitty weather for never having to open my front door I bloody well will.

6// It’s hot chocolate season. There’s nowt else to say about that really, except that it’s a travesty waiting for autumn for it to be the perfect hot drink.

7// All the orange and red leaves on the ground are perfect Instagram fodder. I tell you, Roundhay Park in Leeds looks bleedin’ gorgeous when the trees turn bright red. Raise your hand if you’ve ever posted a perfectly framed, golden-filtered photo of leaves on your feed?

regina george from mean girls raising her hand

8// Cuddles. Ok, cuddling all year round is great. But there’s something about doing it in autumn that just feels so lovely. It’s romantic, right?

9// An extra hour in bed. Seriously, what’s not to love about that? The clocks go back an hour when it gets to autumn, and I love a lie-in, so I’m usually found enjoying that extra hour being toasty warm in the morning.

10// Binge-watching Halloween movies. Hocus Pocus, Addams Family, The Craft, The Shining, Beetlejuice, Coraline, Harry Potter…

11// Slipper socks are acceptable outside of your living room. Hey — my feet get cold and those cheap Primark trainer socks just aren’t going to cut it until April.

12// People stop posting their beach holiday pictures, and I stop sulking about not having had a holiday for a few years.

13// Stodge, stodge, and more stodge. Autumn is all about the cosy comfort foods for work lunches and evening teas. Goodbye avocado salads, and hello 90% potato dishes!

14// Having two cats snoozing on the duvet while you’re trying to sleep during the summer can be an absolute nightmare. But come autumn, those little furry bellies are brilliant hot water bottles.

15// Chunky cardigans. They’re my staple autumn/winter clothing and the chunkier, the better. I have one cable knit a colleague affectionately named my ‘cat piss cardi’ because it looks a bit, well, cat ladyish. Disclaimer: it has never been anywhere near cat piss.

16// Cosy evenings in the pub. See, sometimes I do leave the house. And when I do, it’s usually to nip to the pub for a gin and a chat near the fire. Even better if there’s a pub dog.

17// Wearing black and grey all the time actually makes my hair look great. The warmer months usually mean I feel the need to wear bright colours, which becomes an issue when I change my hair colour a lot. A packet of Skittles isn’t really my aesthetic, so the ease of wearing dark shades means my bright hair stands out more.

18// Comfy pyjamas don’t feel so annoying to wear. In summer, pyjamas are practically an idiot move. But by the time it gets around to autumn, I’m desperate to get out every set of dinosaur pyjamas I own. Then come winter time, I’ll iron them before bedtime…DON’T @ ME.

19// Those lovely darker mornings. Most people will read that and make this face…

britney spears making a confused face

But honestly, I love waking up when it’s dark outside. It makes me feel like I’m up super early and ready to be productive. Waiting for autumn to come around to get motivated isn’t normal, is it. Pretty sure I’m secretly a bat.

20// Reading and sewing. Because the weather’s mostly rainy and slippy, and I love being indoors anyway, I’m more inclined to spend my time reading and getting on with some cross stitching instead of browsing the internet out of boredom. Can’t argue with that.

See also: Sites I love to browse when it’s miserable weather outside.

21// Eating mac and cheese more than once a week feels perfectly fine and normal and actually good for you…I assume.

22// Being brave enough to wear lipstick. I’m not sure why, but I hardly ever wear lipstick or gloss in the summer months. When it gets to autumn though, all of a sudden I’m into dark matte lip shades.

23// Leeds Light Night. Honestly, it’s one of my favourite nights of the year. I love wandering around the city looking at the exhibits and then catching up with friends at Bundobust. It’s a tradition now!

So, there you have it. 23 reasons to get excited about autumn — and not a single pumpkin spiced latte in sight.

Originally published at This City Life.



Charley Wicks
The Spill

Yorkshire-based ex-copywriter taking life in a completely new direction. Introvert. Scorpio. INFJ. Cats. Cuppas. Dinosaurs.