Review: Fishing Universe Simulator

Brian Rooney
The Spinchoon
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2020

Fishing was one of my hobbies growing up but I never tried a fishing video game — until now. Will this bring back good childhood memories? Or will the line snap and let this one get away? Fishing Universe Simulator is available on the Nintendo Switch for $9.99.

Developed by Ultimate Games


This game is, without a doubt, the most relaxing game I have ever played. When you load a game mode, you walk your character up to the water, and then start fishing. You hear water running, birds chirping, wind blowing, bugs buzzing; it feels like you are outside. They truly nailed this aspect of the game. So much so that, on more than one occasion, I put on my headphones, loaded into a map, and closed my eyes just listening — not even playing the game — just relaxed, and it was amazing.

I have been using this game for two very specific uses. First is just to relax and unwind after a long day at work. I like to come home and unwind with a game, but sometimes you need a certain type of game. After a long day, I’m not always looking to drop into an action packed game or read a visual novel. Sometimes I just needed to be in nature and catch some fish.

Peace and tranquility

The other way I have been using this game is when I finish a game and need something easy before jumping into the next game: a pure palate cleanser. After I roll credits, and draft out a review, I need to clear my mind before I even try to get into a new game for review. In this downtime, I have been relaxing in nature and catching some fish.

Gameplay and Modes

The gameplay is exactly what you would think: you are catching fish. There are two game modes: a Free Fishing Mode and a Mission Mode. In the free fishing mode, you choose a location and just go out there and catch fish until you had enough or until your net is full. If your net is full, but you’re not done yet, you can release some of your smaller fish and keep going.

The Fisherman’s Quandary

The other mode is the mission mode. In this, you start in the first location, which is Poland. There are 12 locations in total to fish. You complete small tasks in these, like catch a certain amount of fish or a catch cumulative amount of weight. Complete them all to earn your license to move onto the next location. No mission ever seemed impossible, but some were time consuming; time I did not mind spending since I wasn’t just playing a game, but also relaxing.


This game had an overwhelming amount of unlocks, from different kinds of rods and reels to different kinds of lures and live bait. It’s a crazy amount and it’s easy to get lost in it. I just stuck with items I liked and ignored a lot of new ones I unlocked with little to no consequence. A lot of your fishing is done from the shore, but there are even a small number of boats you can unlock to expand your range.

Catch and release/The lure above

You can even unlock and use a fishing finder to help you. As someone that grew up fishing, and had a fish finder, I never wanted to use this. Growing up, we would have friendly competitions, and a fish finder was cheating; I would rather use my knowledge to win.

Fish Finder? We non’t need no stinkin’ Fish Finder


Fishing Universe Simulator is the most relaxing game I have ever played. It really takes you out of your home, and puts you in nature, all without leaving the comfort of your home. It’s a fun escape that captures the essence of fishing. I give this one a thumbs up and a score of — 7/10 — . This is not a game for everyone, but if it sounds like it’s for you, then it’s for you.

For more reviews, be sure to check out my thoughts on Sneaky Sasquatch and Teddy Gangs, and as always check us out on Twitter @TheSpinchoon and I'm @Big_Broons.

