You’re Not Better Than Me

Brian Rooney
The Spinchoon
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2019

I’m the first to say I’m not a people person. Everyday, random strangers in the world add more fuel to the fire on why I don’t like people. We encounter these people who think they are better than everyone else. We see them driving, walking; pretty much anywhere we go, we can see these people. I want you all to know you’re not better than me, or anyone else. We are all equal. This letter is for you, you entitled pieces of shit.

Dear Entitled Assholes,

This letter is for anyone who thinks the world revolves around them. You are not better than anyone.

Traffic is a normal occurrence. The shoulder is not a lane for you to speed down to avoid traffic. The shoulder has a very important use, and just so you know, here it is:

“The purpose of building a shoulder is that in the event of an emergency or breakdown, a motorist can pull into the shoulder to get out of the flow of traffic and obtain a greater degree of safety.”

What gives you the right to speed past cars in traffic?

Exit only lanes exist for a reason. They are not suggestions that you can choose not to follow. If the right lane is slow due to people trying to exit, that doesn’t mean you can speed down the middle lane and cut everyone off right before the exit. You make it worse for everyone. Try doing that to me on a bad day and the only way you’re getting in is if you go through me.

Merges are another routine part of traffic; they can run smoothly if you just do what you’re supposed to do. If two lanes come into one, it should go one and one from each lane. By you boxing out someone who is forced to merge, what are you solving? You’re one car ahead, you got so far! Good for you.

Public transportation is another area where people think they are better than everyone. If you are waiting for a bus, and there is a group of people lined up, yeah that’s a line to get on when it comes. When you don’t wait in line, and just get on the bus in front of everyone who was clearly waiting, I wish we could throw you under the bus.

If you’re going to get on an elevator, guess what? Whether you get right on or wait, it doesn’t go up or down any quicker. So when the doors open and you rush to get on, you’re just an ass hole. Wait for people to get off then you can enter. What gives you the right to be such a dick?

This also applies to subway cars, for fellow people who have this option. When the car gets to a stop, just fucking wait for the people to get off before you get on. It makes the whole thing easier. The car is not going to leave without you.

Same thing with planes. You can run right on that plane, but what’s that going to do for you? Sure, maybe you can get that overhead storage, but that’s why we have group numbers. I have witnessed people try so hard to figure out how to get on planes quicker and it’s just infuriating. Your plane is delayed? Queue up the complainers. Next time walk you entitled piece of shit. That delay will still be a lot quicker than walking.

The world is a populated place, therefore we have lines for almost everything. No one is better than anyone on that line. You can huff and puff all you want, it doesn’t make the line go faster. It just shows everyone around you that you’re an impatient piece of shit.

If you are at a restaurant, and you send your food back for something petty, just leave. I was eating out one day and a woman sent back a steak saying it was cold. The steak was steaming in her plate. The restaurant has to treat you like you’re entitled because that’s their job, but you’re not entitled to anything special at all. The steak then came back out and she said it’s overcooked now and argued for it to be free. Really people? Really?

This has personally happened to me. If you’re shopping, the people who work retail are not beneath you. They are not uneducated, worthless people that deserve to be talked down to. You don’t know their story. You don’t know why they are working there. Their job is harder than most jobs we do so maybe show a little respect. They have to deal with entitled jerks like you every day: jerks that assume they are stupid since they are working retail.

This letter can go on forever, but the last people I will talk about are those who think they own public spaces. If you’re in a public area sitting on a bench, that is not your bench. Move your bag or whatever you have on that seat so someone else can sit too. If you’re walking in a public space, and someone is walking towards you, it’s not only one person’s job to avoid walking into each other. I will walk right into you if you’re not looking to move. Then the best part is, they get mad like it’s your fault. How is that one person’s fault? You both need to move. Do your part and don’t be a jerk.

To anyone who fits any one of these criteria, this letter is for you. So you can go to hell, because you are not better than me.


Brian Rooney

I hope more people will relate to this than fit any of these descriptions. If you fit any one of these, then you suck. Take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and realize you’re just like everyone else. Stop being an entitled ass hole. Let’s all be a part of the solution and make day to day activities better.

If you liked this letter then you’re awesome! Awesome people like movies, so be sure to check out our reviews of Detective Pikachu, Avengers: Endgame, and Aladdin. Awesome people also like games so be sure to check out What I Want and Don’t Want From The Last of Us Part II and my monthly Mobile Games Report. As always check us out on twitter @TheSpinchoon to stay up to date with everything going, and while you’re there give me a follow I’m @Big_Broons. Let’s stay classy people.

