The Spine Race Cometh

Peter Gold
Trail Tales
Published in
5 min readJan 10, 2017
Somewhere on the Pennine Way

2017 has to be the year I finish but even if I do finish, I can’t say I won’t be back again in 2018!

268 miles, 7 days, shit weather, no sleep, not enough food, weird people like me. We are all so excited.

My original plan of a relaxing week leading up to the Spine has been scuppered by work so I find myself in London all week with a drive up on Friday to Edale. My car is full to the gills with gear with final kit options still in my head slightly dependent on weather.

I don’t enjoy the taper period for any race and as I’ve gone with what I refer to as a “hard taper” (which means I do very little in the two weeks leading up to the event in the hope that I will have fresh legs) so I end up having mild panic attacks about not having done enough miles and start thinking about a last minute 20 miler. Which would of course be a mistake.

Don’t panic, you’ve done the effing miles!

I then tell myself that I will be fine and I will get fitter as the race continues. It may or may not be true, but it works for me.


As most people who follow the Spine know, we have to carry a shit load of kit with us so I’ve decided to give my rucksack a name — Dave.

Dave is my friend. He will have my back and will look after my kit. He will keep stuff safe and dry. He will protect my sandwiches from predators. He will listen to me and take a beating now and then with no complaints. And he will be there with me at the end. He will keep me sane on those long, dark, cold and wet nights. I would not get through without Dave hence he deserves a name.

You can follow me and Dave 24/7 to see how our romance blossoms at

Facebook friends

The Spine Facebook Group seems to have been more active this year than last year with a range of people to debate food, weather, kit and more with. Some are not that active, some are over active but all in all, it has been fun.

But now the serious stuff starts. The bake-offs are done. Bags are packed and re-packed. Last minute illness is rearing its head. Battery deliveries are late. Snow shoes are needed (maybe). The weather throws a last minute hissy fit. The calm before the storm is almost upon us. The Facebook Group will be quiet. Chris will be no more (until the week after).

Edale — here we come. 


Typical drop bag Spine sandwich

For some strange reason other racers connect me with sandwiches. I have no idea why. But they do (fuckers). But food of any kind is one of my fears i.e. will I have enough, will I be able to get more, will anyone steal my sandwiches. We can buy extra from pubs and shops but some of them are not open at 3am when we pass by which I find quite surprising. And then those that are open, find us sleeping on their floor waiting to be served. Eat, sleep, eat, run.


We will get more food that sleep. As the cut-offs are pretty tight sleeping in public toilets, bus shelters, open barns, shops and cafes becomes the norm.

I found some amazing heated toilets last year where I slept and ate in luxury on my final night and will be seeking refuge there again. Me and Dave will make the most of the opportunity.

Sleep when, where and with anyone.

To put in in perspective, I reckon I’ll get less than 8 hours sleep over the first few days and after that, it’ll be wherever me and Dave can get a 15 minute power nap. I think Dave will end up suffering more than me!

Kirk Yetholm

The finish of the Spine Race

We have to touch the wall of the Border Hotel in the beautiful town of Kirk Yetholm to claim our finish. I may kiss it. Some may punch it. Some may break down in tears and well, just cry. No matter what anyone does upon arrival, they will have finished and that is all that matters. I will be one of those kissers/punchers/criers. I may do all three just to be sure. When I arrive. With many of my friends who will have endured and enjoyed the journey with me.

To all the Spiners who start on Sunday, I salute you. I am proud to be part of the cult and I will be proud to share some or all of the journey with you.

(I may not share my sandwiches — just so you know)

When the flag drops, the bullshit stops. Let’s go people :-)

