Why Working Hard Makes You Pay Hard

Shane Sheppard
The Spire
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2020

Like me, I bet you have heard the story “working hard pays off” or “if you work hard you will get there” time and time again especially from your parents or peers.

Sometimes this is a true story, but more often than not it’s pure work of fiction.

In reality hard work leads to someone else’s dreams paying off at your expense.

This is known as what i like to call subcontracted failure

What you are doing in this situation is letting go of your own aspirations, ideals, dreams and a preferred lifestyle to serve or allow others to gain the very life you aspire to have.

Not only are you subverting your own success and long term dreams.

You are wagering your current situation on the continued success of someone else’s.

Here is why working hard doesn’t pay off and makes you pay more.

Risk Aversion

Where most sayings and quotes on working hard are a complete fallacy.

Most quotes on risk are absolutely true…

After all you can’t move forward without taking chances, momentum is built on movement and upward mobility.

“Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” – Denis Waitley

Even if you are the safest most risk adverse person, at some point you will need to take a risk.

Your future success or happiness will be defined and depend on it and this will probably not be a single event in your lifetime.

So moving forward do all you can to embrace the risk factor and rise to meet it as exciting potential and opportunity.

Just because something is risky doesn’t mean it cannot be planned and calculated to fall closer to your long term goals.

Complacency Crushes

After becoming cogs in someone else’s dream machine, complacency and lack of productivity destroys.

Leading to submission and a passive state of being, you give in to your current situation because the extra effort is far too difficult and could put you in a worse position than your current one.

I have news for you, there could also be a far more affluent and fruitful path by not giving in to what has seemed easy.

Fear Of Failure

We all have the ornate ability to fear the unknown or the unmapped road.

But sometimes the road less travelled makes for the best adventure.

You will always be afraid of failing but more often than not by being scared of failure you are by proxy fearful of success.

It takes strength to walk away from whats predictable and safe which inherently plays on everyones fears and makes you question your resolve.

Know that fear is conquered by moving forward in steps or phases.

How bad can it be? Can you calculate the chances of success and failure?

Don’t just give in to fear before your get started, be brave…

Being Self Involved

One thing that can destroy any potential personal and financial growth is overselling yourself or what you do.

Would you rather talk to a stranger on a train that had an equal conversation and was attentive to your perspective, or someone who consistently talked about themselves?

Experience shapes our future path you live and learn from life and from others around you so make sure you listen more than you talk…

Who knows a complete strangers stories or insight could completely change your perspective on the life you live.

The Takeaways

  • Prepare for and take calculated risks its healthy to adapt and change.
  • Don’t get too comfortable in one situation for long periods of time it stunts productivity, creativity and your chance at personal and financial growth.
  • Be motivated to try even when you fail this is how you learn, evolve and begin new ventures.
  • Listening is learning, absorb information more than imparting it. New experiences fuel new ideas.



Shane Sheppard
The Spire

Entrepreneurial tech aficionado, wannabe minimalist, audiophile, anime enthusiast & no-code advocate. Building digital experiences via dev or digital marketing.