Ramblings on a Paraconsistent Reality

Our universe is vast and bewildering, but it might actually be a lot stranger than we want to believe.

Daniel Goldman
The Spiritual Anthropologists


Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

The majority of people try to understand our universe, and everything that resides within it, through science. Within the realm of scientific inquiry, there are two camps: the provisional verification camp, which was really the first to arise in a formal sense, when Francis Bacon formulated “the scientific method.” The second camp arose when philosophers such as Kant and Hume realized that there was an issue with induction. They questioned why repeated observations, consistent with a given explanation, really provided any justification for the theory. This concern led to Karl Popper creating a new view of science, as a system of falsification. And that’s where I’ll start this discussion.

Logical Consistency

According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, “the universe is under no obligation to make sense to [us].” What he meant by this statement is that we might have preconceptions of how reality functions, but we must follow what science indicates, rather than those preconceptions. However, in one major way, scientists do assume that the universe is obligated to “make sense.” Consistency is at the heart of science. If scientists have one theory, and that theory…



Daniel Goldman
The Spiritual Anthropologists

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at http://danielgoldman.us