The Global Origin and Legacy of Red Bull

Red bull isn’t simply a popular energy drink. It’s a product with a global history behind it.

Daniel Goldman
The Spiritual Anthropologists


Photo by Jesper Brouwers on Unsplash

I happen to like Red Bull, a lot. I would probably drink caffeine free editions if they still tasted like the original Red Bull. That’s how much I like them. But I also like the story behind Red Bull.

There are a number of articles which summarize the history of Red Bull already, but they seem to drop the ball when really looking at how interesting Red Bull’s story is.

Red Bull is an energy drink that’s nearly ubiquitous in America. It’s widely successful. According to Statistica Red Bull sees nearly seven billion dollars in global sales annually. It’s spawned numerous copycats. It’s seen numerous editions in its own right.

But what I find most interesting about the product is its global origin and legacy.

Red bull is a global phenomenon, not just in terms of popularity around the world today, but also in terms of its history, starting in Japan, traveling through Asia, eventually to Europe, and then America, and finally back to Asia again.

Japan and Lipovitan

The origin of red bull traces its roots to Japanese herbal energy drinks: specifically Lipovitan.



Daniel Goldman
The Spiritual Anthropologists

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at