Birthing a Senser: You, Me, We

Frank-Thomas Tindejuv
The Spiritual Deep
Published in
21 min read5 hours ago

Part 1: Introduction

In a world that often feels disconnected and fragmented, many of us are unaware of the deeper potentials lying dormant within us — waiting to be tapped into, waiting to be awakened.

We navigate our lives through the physical senses, believing that what we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell encompasses the entirety of our experience. Yet, there’s something more, something beyond the surface, and it’s always been there — latent, just waiting to be remembered. I call this the birth of the Senser.

This isn’t some far-flung fantasy or the creative imagination of a science fiction series like Sense8 — though that show beautifully illustrates what I’m speaking of. The truth is, every single one of us has the ability to connect on deeper levels. We are all potential Senser beings, capable of experiencing the world through empathy, telepathy, and a shared consciousness that most people dismiss as fictional. These abilities aren’t limited to fictional Homo Sensorium — they are real-world capacities that we have, collectively, forgotten.

The idea of a Senser is not about being part of an elite group or having special powers. It’s about reconnecting with the natural state of being human, the parts of us that have been muted by the overwhelming noise of modern life. We are more than individuals walking isolated paths — we are energetically interconnected, emotionally woven together, and spiritually tied in ways that transcend physical distance. The potential to sense beyond the visible world is not limited to the few; it exists within you, me, and we — it’s simply a matter of awakening.

Now, who is this for? While I believe these concepts apply to everyone, I also understand that those who are most likely to resonate with this perspective are people like me — people living in the Western world or those steeped in Western thought. We’ve built systems that prioritize the intellect, that glorify the tangible and the material, often to the detriment of the soul’s deeper calling. Many of us are looking for ways to reclaim something more meaningful, something deeper, something real. This journey is for those who are ready to defragment their lives, to reconnect with their inner landscape, and to step into the unknown in search of their true, untapped potential.

Part 2: The Senser Within

The potential to become a Senser lies within all of us, but awakening these abilities requires a shift — a realignment of awareness toward what already exists, but is often overshadowed by the noise of modern life. To begin, it’s important to understand that these abilities are not foreign to you. They’ve been present all along, just muted by societal conditioning, overstimulation, and a general disconnection from our true selves.

Awakening Abilities

The first step toward awakening your Senser abilities is recognizing that you already experience them in subtle forms every day. Have you ever suddenly thought of someone, only for them to call or message moments later? Or perhaps you’ve felt an inexplicable emotional pull when someone you care about was in distress, even if they were miles away. These are not coincidences — they are glimpses of the extrasensory connections we all possess.

One of the most powerful tools in awakening these latent abilities is emotional empathy. This isn’t the surface-level empathy that most of us are familiar with — this is empathy as a channel. It’s the ability to tune into another’s emotional state so deeply that you almost become one with their experience. In my own experiences, I’ve learned that emotional and energetic resonance between people is far stronger than we tend to acknowledge. When you actively open yourself to feeling the emotions of others, you begin to heighten your sensitivity to their thoughts, feelings, and even the subtle vibrations of their energy field.

As you develop this awareness, you might also notice that telepathic connections start to form. This happens naturally when you’ve cultivated a bond — especially with those you are emotionally close to. These connections exist outside the traditional senses, but they’re no less real. The key to awakening them lies in allowing yourself to be receptive — not forcing it, but simply being present, open, and willing to recognize when thoughts or feelings that are not yours begin to enter your awareness.

The Role of Bonds

One thing I’ve discovered is that, unlike the dramatic Sense8 concept of being born into a cluster, real-life telepathic and empathic connections are often forged through deep emotional bonds. This bond can be created through personal or online interactions, and sometimes even just a single moment of shared vulnerability. The act of sharing emotions, experiences, or something as simple as sustained eye contact can form a bridge between individuals, allowing for an energy exchange that strengthens the connection over time.

Think about it: how often have you felt a deeper connection with someone simply after looking into their eyes? In my experience, there is something profoundly raw and electromagnetic about eye contact — it’s like an unspoken agreement to be present, to truly see each other. This openness, this exchange, becomes the foundation for deeper energetic and telepathic connection. Much like the clusters in Sense8, which are bound by a shared consciousness, we can form our own clusters through intentional, meaningful connection. The more we open ourselves up to these experiences, the more we reinforce these psychic abilities.

Practical Exercises

Awakening and strengthening these connections requires practice — just as any ability does. Here are a few simple exercises that can help you start tuning into these subtle energies:

  1. Energy Exchange in Eye Contact:
  • The next time you are face-to-face with someone, try to sustain eye contact for a full minute. Focus not just on looking into their eyes but on feeling the energy exchange that happens. Visualize a flow of energy between you — what emotions, sensations, or thoughts come to the surface? Allow yourself to be present with whatever arises, and notice how this shared moment creates a sense of psychic connection.
  1. Shared Emotional Awareness:
  • During a conversation with someone close to you, practice active emotional tuning. As they speak, don’t just listen to their words — focus on feeling the emotions behind those words. Is there sadness masked by humor? Tension behind their calm? Try to be fully present with their emotional state, almost as if you’re holding space for both their emotions and your own. This kind of deep empathy often opens the door to telepathic exchanges, where you might begin to sense or know things beyond what is being said.
  1. Visualization of Thought and Emotion Sharing:
  • Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and think of someone you are close to. Visualize them clearly in your mind’s eye. Now, imagine sending them a thought or an emotion — something simple, like sending them peace, joy, or love. Visualize this thought traveling from your mind to theirs. You may not receive an immediate response, but practice doing this regularly, and you’ll begin to notice subtle feedback over time — whether it’s through a feeling, a response from them later, or even a shift in your own energy.

These exercises are designed to help you tune into the energies that exist between you and others. The more you practice, the more natural it will feel, and the easier it will become to recognize telepathic and empathic connections in your everyday life. Remember, these abilities are not something you need to acquire — they’re something you already possess, waiting to be awakened.

Part 3: Defragmentation and Clearing

For most of us, our natural sensory abilities — those deeper connections to others, to ourselves, and to the energies around us — are clouded by the noise of daily life. This noise comes in many forms: societal conditioning, unresolved emotional trauma, unprocessed life experiences, and energetic blockages. If we are to truly awaken as Senser beings, the first task is to begin the process of defragmenting the self.

Clearing the Noise

Just like a computer that slows down over time due to fragmented data, we too become fragmented — emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The layers of societal conditioning we accumulate tell us to ignore our intuition, to suppress our emotions, and to conform to external expectations. This conditioning acts like a thick layer of dust covering our natural abilities, making it difficult to sense the world clearly. Add to this the weight of past traumas and emotional blockages that we carry, and it becomes nearly impossible to access the deeper realms of empathy, telepathy, and energetic awareness.

To defragment the self is to begin removing these layers, piece by piece. This is not an overnight process, but a deliberate act of letting go. In my own journey, I’ve found that a method I call the Personal Release Sequence is essential for this. The process is about identifying and releasing old attachments, outdated beliefs, and negative emotional patterns that no longer serve us. It’s like going through the storage of your life and choosing what to keep and what to discard, but on an energetic and emotional level.

This isn’t easy work. It requires confronting the darkest parts of yourself, but the reward is clarity — a deep, unfiltered connection to the energies around you. As we defragment, we begin to reclaim the full bandwidth of our sensory abilities. We start to sense more clearly, connect more deeply, and experience the world beyond the shallow layers that most of us settle for.

Strengthening the Energy Field

Once we’ve begun to clear the noise, the next step is to strengthen our energy field. Our electromagnetic field acts as both a receiver and a shield. When it’s strong and balanced, we can sense the energies around us without being overwhelmed by them. But when it’s weak, it leaves us vulnerable — not just to other people’s emotions and thoughts, but to external forces and interdimensional entities that seek to exploit our weaknesses.

In Sense8, we see how members of a cluster are vulnerable when one of them is harmed — their connection is so deep that pain or trauma to one affects them all. In real life, it’s not so different. When our energy field is weakened, it leaves us open to external influences that can drain us, confuse us, or manipulate our thoughts and emotions. Whether it’s the toxic energy of people around us or something more subtle like negative interdimensional forces, a weakened field makes us an easy target.

Strengthening our electromagnetic field is crucial for resilience. The stronger it is, the harder it becomes for external forces to penetrate and disrupt our inner balance. One of the most effective ways I’ve found to strengthen this field is through the practice of creating a spiritual firewall. This firewall is not a wall that blocks out the world, but a dynamic force field that filters the energies that reach us. It’s about being open to the energies we want to engage with, while protecting ourselves from those that seek to harm us.

How to Strengthen Your Energy Field:

  1. Daily Energy Cleansing:
  • Just as you would shower to cleanse your body, it’s important to regularly cleanse your energy field. This can be done through visualizations, where you imagine a bright, white light flowing through your body, pushing out any dark or stagnant energy. I find that this practice helps reset my energy field, allowing me to start each day fresh and clear.
  1. Grounding Practices:
  • Strengthening your energy field also involves grounding — reconnecting with the Earth’s energy. Walking barefoot on the earth, spending time in nature, or simply visualizing roots growing from your feet deep into the ground can help balance and stabilize your electromagnetic field. Grounding is essential because it reinforces your connection to natural energy sources, making you less susceptible to harmful forces.
  1. Mindful Energy Boundaries:
  • Practice being mindful of your energetic boundaries. This means becoming aware of when your energy is being drained or when you’re absorbing someone else’s emotions too deeply. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective, shimmering light, allowing in only what serves your highest good. This kind of practice not only strengthens your energy but also teaches you to manage your emotional and psychic space more effectively.
  1. Breathwork and Meditation:
  • Conscious breathing is one of the simplest yet most powerful ways to strengthen your energy field. With each inhale, imagine drawing in pure, vibrant energy, and with each exhale, visualize releasing any negative or stagnant energy from your body. Over time, this process will help fortify your energy field, making it more resilient to external influences.

By engaging in these practices, you’ll begin to notice how much more centered and protected you feel in your daily life. Your senses will sharpen, your connections with others will deepen, and you’ll be able to move through the world with clarity and confidence. Strengthening your energy field is not just about defense — it’s about amplifying your abilities and stepping into your full potential as a Senser.

Part 4: Connecting to Others and the Collective

As we continue on the path of awakening our Senser abilities, it becomes clear that these abilities aren’t meant to exist in isolation. One of the most profound shifts that occurs during this process is the realization that individualism — the cornerstone of modern society — is not the natural state of humanity. Our greatest strength lies not in standing apart, but in connecting to others and realizing that we are part of something much larger: a collective consciousness.

The Power of Shared Consciousness

In a world where we’ve been taught to view ourselves as separate, the concept of shared consciousness might feel radical. Yet, the deeper I go into my own experiences, the more I realize that interconnectedness is not just an abstract idea — it’s a living, breathing reality. The energy we exchange with others, the emotions we share, and the bonds we form are all reflections of this collective field we are a part of.

In Sense8, we see this beautifully illustrated through the clusters, where each individual is part of a group that shares thoughts, emotions, and experiences. While this may seem like an extreme fictional representation, it’s not far from what we can achieve in our everyday lives. When we begin to tap into the collective consciousness, we start to see how the lines between “me” and “you” begin to blur. The more we connect with others — whether through eye contact, shared emotions, or energetic exchanges — the more we realize that our experiences are not isolated. They ripple out, touching the lives of others in ways we may not always be conscious of.

By embracing the idea of shared consciousness, we also begin to shift from an individualistic mindset to one of interconnectedness. This shift has profound implications. When you start to see yourself as part of the collective, it becomes easier to release the need for control, competition, or separation. Instead, you begin to value collaboration, empathy, and shared growth. Reality itself starts to change when you recognize that we are all part of the same fabric of existence. This interconnectedness is not just spiritual — it’s deeply practical. It changes the way we live, work, and relate to each other on a day-to-day basis.

Empathy as Strength

One of the most powerful aspects of connecting to the collective is the role of empathy. In a world that often values stoicism or emotional distance, empathy is sometimes seen as a weakness — something that makes us vulnerable or too “soft.” But that perception is fundamentally flawed. Empathy is not a weakness; it is one of our greatest superpowers.

When we are deeply empathic, we can step into another person’s experience and understand them from the inside out. This goes far beyond feeling sorry for someone. It’s about tuning into their emotional reality, understanding their pain, joy, or confusion as if it were your own. In my experience, this level of empathy is transformative. It changes how you interact with the world. Instead of approaching relationships or situations from a place of separation, you approach them from a place of unity.

Empathy allows us to break down barriers. It creates a profound shift in how we see and engage with others. In Sense8, we see how the cluster members’ empathy for each other transforms not just their individual lives, but also the dynamics of the group as a whole. When you truly understand someone’s emotional landscape, you create a space for healing, growth, and shared transformation.

I’ve often found that when I’m fully tuned into another person’s emotional state, the energy between us changes. There’s an unspoken bond that forms — a bridge that allows us to communicate without words. This is the power of empathy as a superpower. It not only transforms personal relationships but has the potential to reshape societal systems. Imagine a world where empathy was the foundation of how we approached politics, business, and social change. The ripple effect would be undeniable.

Exercises in Conscious Connection

Strengthening your connection to the collective consciousness and tapping into the power of empathy requires practice. Here are a few exercises to help you develop a deeper sense of connection with others:

  1. Group Meditation on Connection:
  • Gather a small group of people, either in person or online, and engage in a group meditation. Start by sitting in silence together, focusing on your breath. After a few minutes, shift your awareness to the group as a whole. Visualize an energetic thread connecting each person, forming a web of light. Feel the energy of the group as it flows between each individual. Allow yourself to sink into the collective energy, sensing the subtle shifts as you connect more deeply with the group’s consciousness.
  1. Online Empathy Exchange:
  • Find a partner online, someone you trust or feel connected to, and set a time to practice an empathy exchange. Each person takes a turn sharing something they are currently experiencing emotionally. The listener’s task is to tune into the other’s emotional state — not just by listening to their words, but by feeling the emotions behind them. As you listen, allow yourself to truly feel what the other person is feeling, without judgment or analysis. This exercise helps strengthen the empathic connection and teaches you to feel beyond the words.
  1. Shared Experience Activity:
  • Choose an activity to do with someone else — this can be anything from sharing a meal, going for a walk, or watching a movie together. As you engage in the activity, focus on the shared experience. Try to be fully present, not just with your own thoughts and emotions, but with the other person’s experience as well. Afterward, discuss what you felt and how the shared experience shaped your connection. This practice helps build awareness of how shared moments can deepen energetic and emotional bonds.

By practicing these exercises, you’ll begin to see how your connections with others deepen and expand. The more we open ourselves up to shared consciousness and empathy, the more we realize that we are not isolated beings, but part of a vast network of energy and emotion. The power of the collective lies in our willingness to connect — not just on the surface, but on a soul-deep level.

Part 5: The Bigger Picture

As we awaken our Senser abilities, the implications go far beyond personal transformation. We’re not just developing heightened empathy or tuning into the energetic fields around us for individual gain — we’re tapping into the potential for a broader, more profound evolution of humanity. This shift, which mirrors the concept of Homo Sensorium in Sense8, points toward a future where human beings are no longer isolated individuals but conscious participants in a collective web of energy, emotions, and thought.

The Evolution of Humanity

In Sense8, Homo Sensorium represents a leap forward in human evolution, a new species with advanced empathic and telepathic abilities, living in clusters and connected through shared consciousness. This fictional portrayal offers us a glimpse into what could happen if more people began to awaken to their innate Senser abilities. While we may not form literal clusters, we do have the potential to create deep, meaningful connections that transcend the individualistic mindset that dominates much of today’s society.

So, what happens when more of us embrace these senses? The ripple effects could be extraordinary. Imagine a world where empathy becomes the foundation of how we interact with one another. A world where we instinctively understand each other’s emotions and experiences — not because we’ve been told, but because we can feel it. This would be a world where competition fades in favor of collaboration, where the need to protect oneself from others diminishes as we recognize that harming another is, ultimately, harming ourselves.

Society as we know it would begin to change. The way we approach conflict, decision-making, and leadership would all be transformed. Leaders who are truly empathic and connected to the collective would make decisions that reflect the needs and well-being of the whole, not just the few. The systems that currently uphold separation — whether political, economic, or social — would start to dissolve, replaced by structures that reflect unity, shared consciousness, and the power of collective transformation.

The shift toward a collective consciousness isn’t just about empathy or telepathy — it’s about stepping into a reality where our actions and decisions are guided by a deeper awareness of the interconnectedness of all life. This is the next step in human evolution, and the Senser abilities we’ve discussed are the gateway to that future. We are not waiting for some external force to create this change; we are the ones who will birth this new way of being. By awakening these senses within ourselves, we are actively participating in the evolution of the human species.

Stepping into the Unknown

This process of awakening, however, is not without its challenges. Much like the characters in Sense8, we are being called to step into the unknown. There is no roadmap for what lies ahead, no guarantee of what will happen when we fully embrace these abilities. What we do know is that the fear of the unknown often holds us back from discovering our true potential.

This fear is natural. We’ve been conditioned to believe that what we know and understand — our familiar, five-sense world — is all there is. But as you begin to open yourself up to these deeper abilities, you’ll find that stepping into the unknown is not something to be feared. It’s an invitation to explore new dimensions of yourself and the world around you. It’s a call to face the edges of your current reality and step beyond them.

When I look back at my own journey, I recognize how many times I had to face my own fears — fears of what I might discover about myself, fears of what others might think, and fears of embracing abilities that felt, at first, too far beyond what I had been taught to believe was possible. But every step forward, every moment of facing that fear, has brought me closer to understanding my true nature. The same will be true for you.

As more of us step into these abilities, we’re creating a collective movement — a shift in consciousness that is redefining what it means to be human. We’re no longer confined to the limitations of the past. We are breaking through the boundaries of what we thought was possible, and in doing so, we are reshaping the future.

Stepping into this unknown also means embracing the fact that we are co-creators of this reality. We’re not passive participants in this evolution. We are the ones driving it forward. Every time you tune into another person’s emotions, every time you connect deeply and authentically with those around you, you’re building the framework for this new world. And while the journey into the unknown may feel uncertain, the potential of what lies ahead is beyond anything we’ve yet to imagine.

So, as you step forward, know that you’re not alone. This journey is one we are all taking together, even if we walk different paths. The evolution of humanity is unfolding before our eyes, and by awakening our Senser abilities, we are becoming the architects of a new reality — one grounded in connection, empathy, and shared consciousness.

Part 6: Conclusion

In the end, this journey of birthing a Senser is not just about developing abilities or heightening your senses — it’s about fundamentally reconnecting with yourself, with others, and with the collective consciousness that binds us all. The process begins with you, the individual, learning to defragment and clear the noise that has clouded your natural capacities. From there, it expands into me — the one-on-one connections we form that deepen our understanding of the world through shared experience and energetic bonds. And finally, it grows into we, the realization that we are part of a vast, interconnected consciousness that transcends individuality and isolation.

This path is deeply personal, but it’s also part of something far larger than any one of us. As we individually awaken our Senser abilities, we contribute to the awakening of the collective consciousness. Each time you connect more deeply with another person — whether through empathy, telepathy, or energetic exchange — you’re not just transforming your own life; you’re transforming the world around you. The ripples of connection that you create move out into the collective, touching lives in ways you may never fully understand, but that are nonetheless real and profound.

Birthing a Senser is about embodying the power of connection. It’s about realizing that the journey to awakening doesn’t end with you — it expands, grows, and impacts the entire human web. We are not meant to walk this path alone, nor are we meant to live in isolation — yet some of us must. Some live in isolation, both emotionally and physically, and thus will have to walk this path alone. As we become more aware of our abilities to connect on deeper levels, we also become more responsible for how we use those abilities to heal, transform, and elevate those around us.

The importance of starting with yourself cannot be overstated. The more clearly attuned you are to your own emotional and energetic landscape, the more effectively you can interact with the energies and emotions of others. But once you’ve done the work of clearing and strengthening yourself, the next step is to move outward — to connect with those around you in meaningful, authentic ways. These one-on-one connections, built on empathy and mutual understanding, lay the foundation for a collective transformation.

From you to me to we, the journey unfolds. It begins with personal awakening, extends to interpersonal connection, and culminates in the birthing of a new collective consciousness — one that is grounded in shared empathy, telepathic awareness, and a deep understanding that we are all part of the same energetic fabric.

This is the future that awaits us, should we choose to embrace it. It is a future where we no longer live as isolated individuals but as Senser beings, deeply connected to each other and to the world around us. It’s a future where empathy is our strength, connection is our superpower, and shared consciousness is the path forward.

In this, we are both the creators and the participants of a new reality. By awakening the Senser within, you are playing a role in the evolution of humanity, helping to birth a world that is more connected, more compassionate, and more aligned with the true nature of our existence.

You, me, we — the journey continues, and we are in this together.

A Note on Solitary Practice:

I understand that not everyone reading this will have someone in their life they can trust, or who is ready to walk this path alongside them. Perhaps you find yourself in an environment where the people around you don’t share your interests, or where the space feels unsupportive or even unhealthy. If that’s the case, please know that you can still do this work. You don’t need anyone else to begin your journey of awakening as a Senser.

The exercises outlined in this article, while designed to foster connection with others, can also be practiced on your own. In fact, much of the real transformation begins with cultivating an honest, open dialogue with yourself. As you turn inward, you’ll start to notice the subtle shifts in your own body and energy field. Pay attention to the emotions that arise, the sensations in your body — whether it’s a twinge, a twist, or a sudden lightness — these are just as significant as connecting with another person.

For the empathy exercises, while you may not have someone to exchange feelings with in real time, you can practice self-empathy. Tune into your emotional landscape and ask yourself: what do you notice when you sit quietly with your thoughts and feelings? By creating a safe space to fully experience what’s happening inside, you’re developing the same kind of awareness that’s essential for empathic connection with others.

Even the group meditation exercise can be adapted for solitary practice. While meditating with others is a powerful experience, you can focus on visualizing your connection to the greater collective — even if it’s just a concept in your mind. Imagine yourself as part of a web of light, connected to many others who are also walking their own paths. Even if you don’t know them, you are not alone. The work you do in solitude is just as meaningful and transformative.

Remember, this journey is deeply personal and unique to you. While connection with others can be a valuable part of the process, the most important connection is the one you build with yourself. If you find yourself walking this path alone, trust that this is still the right path for you. With time, as you strengthen your sense of self and deepen your abilities, you may find others who resonate with your journey. But for now, you have everything you need within to begin.

A Final Note on Personal Exploration:

As you explore the ideas and exercises shared in this article, it’s important to remember that there are many ways to awaken the Senser within. The exercises provided here are one approach to connecting with your inner abilities, but they may not resonate with everyone. Some may find that visualizations, meditations, and energy work align with their personal journey, while others — like myself — may prefer a more grounded, mindful approach, focused on being fully present and aware of the mind at all times.

The heart of the TULWA philosophy is to offer a toolset — a collection of methods and insights that can help you defragment your mind, connect with your inner light, and explore your deeper potential. It’s not about following one strict path, but about discovering what works best for you. Whether that means embracing spiritual practices or simply staying mindful of your thoughts and emotions, the key is to remain open, curious, and willing to explore.

At the end of the day, this journey is yours to shape. Trust yourself to discover the tools and practices that help you connect more deeply with your abilities, and don’t be afraid to experiment along the way. The path to awakening is as unique as each individual, and your personal exploration is part of the greater whole.

This article are originally posted on one of my blogs, The Spiritual Deep. Follow the link above to connect with more content like this.



Frank-Thomas Tindejuv
The Spiritual Deep

Actor/Writer/Artist/Human - A Norwegian man on a quest to enlighten and inspire through thoughtfulness born out of personal transformation.