People Are Leaning Away From Get Paid Programs

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
The Spreadsheet Report
2 min readApr 1, 2015

We have heard it all before. Every get paid to do program sounds about the same. Writing programs, product programs, and many more online. Right now, a company that claimed that they would pay you to fill out questionnaire forms owe me $800. I never saw that money and the company has disappeared. Either they have disappeared or has a different name. Anything that sounds too easy and too good to be true, never trust it. There is no easy way to make money which is why most people drop out of get paid programs.

People sign up thinking that they can sell a few products with no family and friends to buy from them. Some folks live in a small town or city, and they cannot make one brown penny. Some people make a tremendous amount of money selling products from the boot of their cars. Either they are getting paid to lie or they were just in the right place at the right time. Too many people trying to sell the same product in your area gets you nowhere. No one wants to buy it anyway when they can go right to Walt-mart and get the same thing.

I’ve tried a few writing programs. Some of them are good from the first time you sign up. You may get paid a couple of times seeing other folks complain along the way. Then you will start seeing your increase of pay start to decline.

On every get paid program that I have seen, members will give you this long and drawn out story how they made thousands of dollars. It takes them forever to get down to the point. Before they are finished, I pretty much know what the program is all about. The members will tell you to sign up for free to find out information, and you still may not know much of anything after watching a long video. They will tell you everything is free at first and then you will have to pay. When you pay to get into the program, you find that you have made no money and that you have wasted your time. People are leaning away from get paid programs.

