Triond, Wikinut, & YouSayToo

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
The Spreadsheet Report
2 min readFeb 27, 2015

Triond, Wikinut, and YouSayToo were the best writing programs when they first started. Triond was wonderful when I first signed up to join them. It was the best publishing service around. I use to get paid something every month from Triond. I would get paid like about 5 or 6 dollars. When I used the option to get paid by check, I had to wait until I reached $50. Sometimes I only got 1 cent for a 100 views. It all depended upon what you were writing about. If you wrote about Paul McCartney, you might would have received 60 cents for a hundred views. Some articles earned more than others, and it may have been for different reasons. One article could help you earn several dollars. However, there were troubles at Triond that the writers were not pleased with and some of us got slack in writing there.

Wikinut was another great publishing service during the time that I joined. I saw views, stats, and earnings there everyday. I did not get paid with AdSense. I saw ten cents here, and five cents there. By the end of the week, I saw 20 cents or more. Wikinut was the number 2 publishing service for me. However, I got tired of the cents because I felt that I was writing more than I was being paid.

Last of all, YouSayToo is in third place. I did not earn much with YouSayToo using AdSense, but I had so much traffic sharing my blogs on their site. They took away the AdSense and changed their site. I had lost some of my followers. However, I still continued to go there because the stats were high on my blogs because of YouSayToo. Then something made me sad. I was locked out of my account because YouSayToo fixed it so you had to log in through Facebook, and I did not want anything to do with Facebook.

Triond was the number one writing program for me. It is where I got paid two ways. I got paid for writing, and I got paid for using Google AdSense for a while.

