8 Questions with Paola Atlason

Arden Martin
The Spring Meditation
2 min readMay 10, 2019

Paola is a wellness coach, mother of two, and Vedic meditator based in NYC. Read on to learn how she balances work and self-care.

  1. Favorite wellness beverage? My homemade morning green juice: celery, rainbow chard, Granny Smith apple, ginger and lime.
  2. Favorite place in NYC? Central park, there’s a corner for everyone.
  3. Describe your work in one sentence. I teach people how to turn daily moments of self-care into healing.
  4. Describe your personal journey over the past few years in once sentence. I feel reborn, on a journey of rediscovering my true SELF.
  5. You love working with essential oils. Can you tell us something about them that most people don’t know? They can support you in re-wiring thought patterns. Essential oils are volatile compounds that travel up your nose and directly into your municipal brain, where memories are created. Pretty cool, right?
  6. What is something you do daily to care for yourself? I oil my skin using a blend I created, which is infused with heart-opening and uplifting essential oils. Oiling my skin is a non-negotiable ritual that supports me in starting my day on a positive note (and with a glow!).
  7. How do you stay productive and efficient with your work flow? I’ve become very organized and calendar everything, including my self-care — I am just as important as anyone else I make a commitment to.
  8. How has meditation impacted your life? It’s my other non-negotiable self-care ritual and has truly changed my life. It grounds me, reminds me to breathe and supports me in having a clear outlook on life. I’m forever grateful to have learned the Vedic Meditation technique.

Thanks for giving us a peek into your world, Paola!

You can connect with Paola at paolaatlason.live/ and on Instagram @paolaatlason.



Arden Martin
The Spring Meditation

Arden teaches Vedic Meditation to help others uncover their best selves. She is the Co-Founder of The Spring Meditation in SoHo, NYC.