Is Meditation Really a Cure-all?

Arden Martin
The Spring Meditation
2 min readJan 24, 2019

At this point, we’ve heard it all: meditation can fix your sleep issues, anxiety, blood pressure, and more. I even had a student who found herself eating less sugar after learning to meditate. And let’s not forget inner peace— meditation supposedly gives you that, too. It’s enough to make you wonder: is meditation really that powerful, or is it too good to be true?

The answer is both simple and complex: it depends. You see, meditation helps normalize whatever is out of balance for you. In other words, your physical and mental state when you begin meditating will determine its unique benefits.

To get a sense of how meditation may serve you, ask yourself: “What’s out of balance in my life?” Is it your sleep? Anxiety levels? Hormones? Perhaps your confidence or sense of self-worth? There’s no wrong answer — if it’s out of balance, meditation can help.

Why? Because an easy, restful technique like Vedic Meditation allows you to release the stress that’s contributing to your mental and physical imbalances. No matter how much you intend to address an issue in your life, lasting change isn’t possible until you heal the root cause — which is almost always stress.

Stress can be physical or mental (it’s usually both). Fatigue, anxiety, and tension are all forms of stress that affect your nervous system and, in turn, your thoughts, feelings, and actions. When you rest deeply in meditation, your body can purify itself of long-held stresses that have been accumulating for decades. Releasing accumulated stress changes your nervous system on a cellular level, and this changes your experience of life itself — for the better.

Meditation isn’t a magic pill; it’s simply a powerful way to release the stress that’s contributing to your mental and physical imbalances. If you’d like to give it a try, connect with The Spring for an Intro Talk or Intro Call.

We’re here to help you get back into balance!



Arden Martin
The Spring Meditation

Arden teaches Vedic Meditation to help others uncover their best selves. She is the Co-Founder of The Spring Meditation in SoHo, NYC.