Amend Your Medium SEO Description For Better Engagement

It is important if you want more reads on your Medium story

Malky McEwan
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

I can’t remember who told me to fiddle about with the SEO description on my articles — it’s been a while. But I studiously tinker with it before I publish any article.

Does it matter?

Maybe’s aye. Maybe’s naw.

But why take the chance of leaving it as it is and missing out on better engagement or introducing someone new to Medium?

Let me explain.

The title of this article is —

Amend Your Medium SEO Description For Better Engagement

Once I publish, this title becomes my Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) title. It is what they use on search engine results pages, such as a Google search.

The problem is SEO titles with over 60 characters are truncated.

“Amend Your Medium SEO Description For Better Engagement” has exactly 60 characters (this includes the spaces) so this is the title people will see on Google. Other search engines are available.

SEO titles between 40 and 50 characters with commonly searched words have the best click-through rates.

