An Insight Into My Better Editing Process

I’m not being obnoxious I’m trying to get you boosted

Malky McEwan
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower



I’m the bottle washer and chief cook for my publication E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower. Some say it is the best publication on Medium.

Not all editors work the same way. It’s brutal to have the article you toiled over torn to shreds. I know, I’ve been there. I’ve also experienced no explanation rejection. Which would you prefer?

Some writers have taken my suggestions and disappeared out the door, steam billowing from their ears, never to be seen again. I didn’t set out to be brutal. I don’t edit to be obnoxious.

“Editing is the alchemy that turns lead into gold — or turds into something less offensive.”

— Malky McEwan (Circa 2024)

This is to shed light on my process, I hope it helps.


New writers

When I receive a request to join E³ from a writer, I look at the author’s profile and read a few of their stories. If I detect AI-generated articles, I respectfully decline and explain why. Otherwise, you're in.

Submitted articles

