Medium Earnings

Are You One of Medium’s Slow Burners?

This article’s for you, my people!


A coloured image showing a yellow sign with ‘Slowly Please’ written in black lettering. The sign is nailed to the corner of a wooden building. A blue sky and trees can be seen in the background.
Photo by Rainy Wong on Unsplash

Last week, I published my 50th article on Medium. Yay! Three cheers for me, right? Hold your horses. You mightn’t be too impressed when you hear it’s taken me over a year to reach that milestone.

Averaging just under one article per week, I’m hardly Peter Prolific, am I? And if that’s not a good reason to shove the party poppers back in your pocket, my earnings aren’t anything to shout about either.

When it comes to dirty cash, I don’t often make it into the top 5% of writers who earn more than $100 per month from their work on Medium. It’s happened to me only twice.

And yet here I am, still writing, still feeling chipper. Never felt chippier, in fact.

Those of you who do regularly make it into the top 5% can look away now. Unless you’re desperate to learn how to write fewer articles and earn less money, this piece isn’t for you.

I’m writing this for the 95% of members who may feel like they’re failing on this platform because they aren’t making big bucks.

My message is that maybe you’re not a failure. Maybe you’re one of Medium’s Slow Burners.



Brendan Donaghy ☘️
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

'Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.' Larry David