Crafting the Story of Your Life for an Amazing Journey, Messy Middle & All.

We are all writing our autobiographies

E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


Photo by Paul Deetman:

The painter and the painting.

The creator and the creature.

Create a compelling hero’s narrative, like you are 10 years down the line giving a talk and someone asks you how you became successful.

What story will you tell?

‘There once was a (hero) who lived in (status quo) but struggled with (the why/compelling reason).

Then one day, the hero read an article on Medium on how to change their life and it moved them to make some concrete plans for 2024…’

Mind you, that is just the beginning of the story.

There is so much more about the difficulties the hero faced, the opportunities the hero chased after, the moments of daring and the random sparks of ingenuity that came just when needed.

It’s an interesting story, isn’t it?

You would want to read that story.

Then go write it. The story doesn’t exist if you don’t write it.

You are the storyteller and the protagonist.



E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

I believe YOLO, but not in the hippie dare devil kind of way, although I am a bit of a hippie on most days, and I dare to go up against my fears often.