Discover How to Surround Yourself With the Right People

It starts with you


illustration of how people around you influence your life
Illustration by author

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely.” — Jim Rohn

When planning a happy life, it’s important to see who we spend our time with.

Take a moment and think about the thoughts in your mind. They are influenced by the information we consume, the environment, and the people around us.

When I was in college, I had a friend who was afraid of many things; he was indecisive, he had no idea where he was going in life, and I was also on the same page. Things would have been different if we both had great friends around us. If we spend time with people who criticize others all the time, sooner or later we will adopt the mindset.

In his book “The Compound Effect,” Darren Hardy shares research by Dr. David McClelland of Harvard, who said your success or failure is 95% determined by the people you regularly meet.

If our lives depend on the people we spend time with, we should take time to think about how to spend time with good people. Currently, are there people around you who are living a happy life?

How to be surrounded by the right people:

This change begins with you.

You attract your kind of people in life.

I tried to be friends with smart and successful people in gatherings. I thought, “Let’s be surrounded by them and learn to be successful.” But they did not talk to me. Why should they? They don’t owe me anything; they also want to be with people who can teach them something so they can grow in life.

Practically, it is difficult for most of us to find successful people.

What is the solution?

Have a virtual friend:

There is no bound of any kind.

Virtually, you can be surrounded by the greatest people of all time and learn from them. They have written books, and their videos are available for free.

To be surrounded by the right people means learning from successful people. Now, we have every kind of person online with us. We can decide on our 5 people and spend time with them.

You can be with them on YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.

Read books:

They are best friends. Learn about every phase in your life from books.

Successful people write great books. If we want to be successful, we must learn to think like them, and books are the best way to become wise.

Leave the negative people:

If you don’t want to become like them, leave them.

If you can’t leave them, at least, spend less time with them and keep giving them good books, keep sharing good videos with them.

Maybe this can change their thought process. If they don’t change, you need to keep a distance from them.

Start working on yourself

If you have a growth mindset, you are a critical thinker, or you are a solution-oriented person, people would like to be with you. Slowly, you will start choosing people who can think the way you think, and who have a similar vision in life.

But, this begins with you.

First, you have to work on yourself, and then the people who are like you will start coming to you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this piece.

Download my free eBook Design A Happy Life.

Hi, I am Sandeep Thakur, I write about the topics which will help you design your life to live it the way you want to live. If you are interested in living a good life or seeing my stories in your feed, You can follow me (Sandeep Thakur).



Sandeep thakur
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

Having a purpose and designing my life. Sharing my learnings so that you can do the same. Create your life.