E³ Writer Q&A — John B. Dutton

I may have revealed too much. Good job I didn’t tell them about being a hand model in giant billboard ads for steak even though I’m a vegetarian.


That tankard is on my desk right now. I keep my kids’ teeth in it.

The book I am reading: The Information by Martin Amis is the main one, in parallel with The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, Being You by Anil Seth, Deep Work by Cal Newport, Let’s Go (So We Can Get Back) by Jeff Tweedy, and How Emotions Are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett.

The book I am writing: A novel, working title Everbrown. Murder shenanigans and culture wars in South Florida’s high-end real estate biz.

My favourite TV series: Doctor Who. Been watching since 1972. All I ever really wanted was a Tardis.

I’m happiest when I do something right. This might mean writing a perfect sentence or hugging my kids tight and telling them I love them. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m happiest when Liverpool score a last-minute winner in a big game.

My guilty secret: I once smuggled a bowling-ball-sized piece of parmesan cheese from Switzerland into Canada. In a bowling ball bag. I guess I could have claimed it was an odd-shaped yellow bowling ball if ever the customs officers had smelled trouble.

Why I’m on Medium: I love writing and having smart people read it is a bonus.

This makes me laugh: People getting hit on the head. I don’t know why, and maybe I’m a secret psychopath, but whether it’s America’s Funniest Home Videos or that scene in Love and Death where Woody and Diane try to kill Don Francisco by bashing him on the head with a jug but it doesn’t work and Woody has to pretend it was all a joke by bashing Diane repeatedly on the head with a wine bottle, I just can’t help cracking up.

I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone. Oh wait, that was Alanis. I once directed a live performance by her and her band when she was promoting Jagged Little Pill and I swore to myself that I would never get married again unless it was to her and then I broke that promise. Sorry, Alanis.

I also write for Strategy, Forbes Agency Council and I publish a bi-weekly newsletter on Substack. called Discomfort Zone which covers the feedback loop between brands, culture and tech.

I predict you’ll stop reading after the next one. But hang in there!

This is on my mind: Should I mention that I pulled a piece off of the Berlin Wall with my bare hands in 1990? I don’t want anyone to think I’m a vandal or disrespectful but they were different times back then.

My most-read article: Failed Acorns and Inspiration from Nature. People like nature and people like inspiration, so this makes sense.

This went under the radar: My YA sci-fi/fantasy trilogy that I self-published a few years ago. Most readers seemed to like it, but people who don’t own book radar didn’t notice it! Here’s the link to the Kindle ebooks. Check them out!

One thing I’d rather not admit: One of my first freelance gigs in the late 90s was creating porn trailers (only three!) for an adult TV channel.

My best writing tip: Write drunk, edit sober. It’s a joke! But seriously, write like you’re drunk and edit like you’re sober.

The extraordinary thing I did was to appear in a Queen music video and be driven home by the band’s manager while Freddie Mercury was in the car behind.

Friends Will Be Friends

If I could invent something, I’d invent this: A Tardis.

I’m sceptical about spelling “skeptical” with a “c”. I mean, I’m British, but come on!

My greatest weakness: Getting married.

I am a standout at stopping my own hiccups instantly.

My biggest disappointment: My mum didn’t live long enough to see me become a successful adult.

I still regret not asking Tori Amos out. That might have changed everything.

This changed everything: Getting hit by a car on my way home from school when I was 12. I was knocked off my bike but not injured and I cycled home but those narrow English country lanes were dangerous on dark winter evenings and I lost my confidence and sold the bike then bought my first good camera with the proceeds. That ultimately led me to studying film in London, where I met my first wife who was French-Canadian, which is why I moved to Montreal. My kids might not exist if that car hadn’t hit me.

I got this wrong: Buying stocks on credit during the dotcom bubble. Arrgh!

The one thing I’m most proud of: I know this is cheesy, but raising two nice kids. Nice is good enough.

The last thing I googled: Petula Clark’s age. I didn’t believe she was 90. She is in fact 90.

My Favourite word: Thigh. It’s sexy!

BONUS QUESTION: Have I ever played Sean Connery on TV? Yes.

I write a bunch of different stuff, including this tweet that did not go viral. I’ve also recently started talking about my writing on TikTok because for some reason that’s where authors talk about writing these days.



John B. Dutton
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

Writer, author, and creative brand strategy consultant. British, Canadian, based in Montreal. Dad. Guinness drinker. Liverpool fan.