For Skilled Writers Choosing the Right Word Is Insanely Important

As important as avoiding the wrong words

Malky McEwan
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower
4 min readApr 11, 2024


Photo by Brandon Lopez on Unsplash

How do you feel when people surprise you?

Surprised, I imagine.

My kids surprised me on my birthday. So I wrote about it here. I used flabbergasted instead of ‘surprised’ to describe how I felt.

Surprise felt inadequate, tame, nonspecific.

Flabbergasted felt appropriate.

When I finished, I ran my article through my grammar checker and it underlined flabbergasted and recommended that I use an alternative.

I checked my options: astound, amaze, startle, shock, take aback, dumbfound, strike dumb, render speechless, stun, stop me in my tracks, take my breath away, confound, overwhelm.

I preferred flabbergasted.

Before looking up the definition, I pictured flabbergast as a compound of flabber and gast. I imagined flabber as meaning floppy and gast as a derivative of aghast.

Flabber only appears in the Urban Dictionary, which provides the amusing onomatopoeic definition: The way your butt cheeks flap about when you fart.

